Official Documents


  • E/CN.6/2017/21
    Report on the sixty-first session
  • E/CN.6/2017/1
    Provisional agenda and annotations
  • E/CN.6/2017/1/Add.1/Rev.2
    Proposed organization of work
  • E/CN.6/2017/2
    Normative aspects of the work of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women
  • E/CN.6/2017/3
    Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work. Report of the Secretary-General
  • E/CN.6/2017/4
    Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls. Report of the Secretary-General
  • E/CN.6/2017/5
    Discussion guide for the Commission on the Status of Women ministerial segment on the priority theme. Note by the Secretariat
  • E/CN.6/2017/6
    The situation of, and assistance to, Palestinian women. Report of the Secretary-General
  • E/CN.6/2017/7
    Report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women on the activities of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women
  • E/CN.6/2017/8
    Letter from the President of the Economic and Social Council to the Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women
  • E/CN.6/2017/9
    Input to the 2017 Economic and Social Council high-level segment. Note by the Secretary-General
  • E/CN.6/2017/10
    Results of the sessions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Note by the Secretariat
  • E/CN.6/2017/11
    High-level interactive dialogue among ministers on building alliances to promote women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work. Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/12
    Interactive dialogue on the focus area: empowerment of indigenous women. Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/13
    Ministerial round table A: Gender pay gaps in the public and private sectors: how can equal pay for work of equal value be achieved in the changing world of work? Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/14
    Ministerial round table B: Technology changing the world of work: how can technology and innovation be harnessed to accelerate women’s economic empowerment? Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/15
    Ministerial round table C: Informal and non-standard work: what policies can effectively support women's economic empowerment? Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/16
    Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the millennium development goals for women and girls. Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/17
    Interactive expert panel on the global care economy in the context of the changing world of work. Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/18
    Interactive dialogue: accelerating implementation of commitments for gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/19
    Enhancing the availability and use of data and gender related statistics to support accelerated implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Chair’s summary
  • E/CN.6/2017/20
    Ministerial round table: full and productive employment and decent work for all: how can Sustainable Development Goal 8 be realized for women by 2030? Chair’s summary

NGO statements