Parlatino approves regional law to advance Parity Democracy with support of UN Women


Panama City — The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino), approved the legal framework to advance “parity democracy” in the region on 1 December, during its 2015 General Assembly. This law will become a reference tool for national parliaments in the implementation of institutional reforms and policies to promote and ensure substantive equality between women and men in all decision-making spheres across the region.

Photo: UN Women/Agustín Aguilar
Photo: UN Women / Agustín Aguilar

The recently approved regional law is intended to become a key tool for establishing a new social contract to eliminate any exclusion against women and girls, and to promote co-responsibility in all decisions that will affect their lives.

“It’s a holistic concept that transcends the merely political,” said Luiza Carvalho, UN Women Regional Director for the Americas and the Caribbean. “We are facing an opportunity to decide on the State model that we want for our region, especially at a moment when we have just adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals for the next 15 years.”

The regional law states that the construction of substantive equality and parity requires an inter-sectoral commitment, strong political will and the allocation of the necessary financial resources.

The regional law is the result of a process initiated by the Parlatino with the 2013 resolution, which recommended the development of a regional framework to promote parity democracy. The basis of this text originated at a Parliamentary Meeting on Parity Democracy in December 2014, which yielded recommendations for how to achieve parity, the ‘inclusive State’, political violence, and the role of the political parties, media and women leaders. This law has the technical and political support of UN Women.

Read the regional law

Read the full story on UN Women’s regional website for Latin America and the Caribbean: