World's Largest Lesson teaches Albania the ABCs of the SDGs

Ahead of World Teacher’s Day on 5 October, UN Women highlights teachers in Albania who are bringing the Sustainable Development Goals into the classroom. In a week of action, awareness-raising and accountability, Global Goals Week introduced Albanian kids to SDG 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.


High school students in Ndroq, rural Tirana, Albania learn about the Global Goals with a particular focus on SDG5, gender equality. Photo: UN Women Albania/Yllka Parllaku
High school students in Ndroq, rural Tirana, Albania learn about the Global Goals with a particular focus on SDG5, gender equality. Photo: UN Women Albania/Yllka Parllaku

Schools across Albania joined United Nations agencies in the ‘World’s Largest Lesson’ to get a better understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — a set of 17 global goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda for the world.

Students celebrated the first anniversary of the adoption of the SDGs in a week of action, awareness-raising and accountability for sustainable development. More than 300 secondary and high school students in seven regions of Albania learned particularly about SDG 5. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved by countries over the next 15 years. Importantly, SDG 5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Students were introduced to gender equality issues through lessons which encouraged them to think and act against inequalities and to speak up about unfair behaviours against women and girls in their communities. The World’s Largest Lesson also urged boys and girls to become the generation that can bring change.

Read the full story on UN Women's regional website for Europe and Central Asia.