Call for proposals 002 - Convocatoria de propuestas para partes responsables (Responsible parties) en el marco del Proyecto “Creando nuevas avenidas de resiliencia para sostener la paz desde las mujeres Kaqchiqueles, Q’eqchi’s y mestizas”, componente lideresas y coordinación interinstitucional para el incremento del acceso a la justicia.

Submission deadline: 27 August 2020

The CFP aims to support indigenous and mestizo women peacebuilders to disrupt drivers of conflict including hate speech, violence and repressive tactics in traditional and new terrains, such as the cyberterritories. Building upon their strengths and resilience, it also addresses the need to support women’s political social and their participation in public affairs, as a critical element to prevent and respond to conflict and post-conflict sexual violence and to sustain gains in attaining justice.