Call for proposals: Producing awareness raising products on GBV related services and supporting the Iraqi Government in the development of the communication strategy for the Iraqi National Action Plan (NAP)

Submission deadline: 26 August 2021

UN Women Iraq and Yemen Cluster Office welcomes proposals for partnerships to achieve results under the following outcome/output areas:

  1. Impact Area 4 / SP Outcome 5: Women and girls contribute and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and from humanitarian action.
  2. Outcome 4.2.1: A conducive environment is enabled, and national institutions supported, to ensure validation, endorsement and implementation of a National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325
  3. Output 4.1.3: Women and girls at risk and SGBV survivors have access to comprehensive redress, including justice, appropriate health and psychological support services

Reference number: CFP/IRQ/2021/4

Contact information

  • Contact person name:Teresa Salvadoretti
  • E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]
  • Telephone (including country code): +9647502688359
