Call for proposals: Producing awareness raising products on GBV related services and supporting the Iraqi Government in the development of the communication strategy for the Iraqi National Action Plan (NAP)
Submission deadline: 26 August 2021
UN Women Iraq and Yemen Cluster Office welcomes proposals for partnerships to achieve results under the following outcome/output areas:
- Impact Area 4 / SP Outcome 5: Women and girls contribute and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and from humanitarian action.
- Outcome 4.2.1: A conducive environment is enabled, and national institutions supported, to ensure validation, endorsement and implementation of a National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325
- Output 4.1.3: Women and girls at risk and SGBV survivors have access to comprehensive redress, including justice, appropriate health and psychological support services
Reference number: CFP/IRQ/2021/4
Contact information
- Contact person name:Teresa Salvadoretti
- E-mail address: [ Click to reveal ]
- Telephone (including country code): +9647502688359