Annual session 2014
17-19 June 2014, Conference Room 2, Conference Building (CB), UNHQ
Documents for the annual session of the UN-Women Executive Board, 17–19 June 2014. Advance copies of session documents are posted here and on the PaperSmart portal in the original language once available, and are replaced by official documents at least four weeks before the session.
Item | Documents | Download |
Opening of the session | ||
Opening Statement by the Executive Director/USG of UN-Women | en | |
1 | Organizational matters | |
Annotated Provisional Agenda and Workplan (UNW/2014/L.3*) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Report of the first regular session 2014 (UNW/2014/1) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Provisional agenda and workplan for the second regular session 2014 (UNW/2014/L.4) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
2 | Strategic Plan | |
Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director on the progress made in implementing the Strategic Plan, 2011–2013 for the year 2013 (UNW/2014/2) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Data Companion to the Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director on the progress made in implementing the Strategic Plan, 2011-2013 | en | |
3 | Evaluation | |
Report of the UN-Women Evaluation Function (UNW/2014/3) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
2014-2017 Corporate Evaluation Plan (UNW/2014/CRP.5) | en | es | fr | |
Joint Evaluation on Joint Programmes on Gender Equality in the United Nations System (UNW/2014/CRP.6) | en | es | fr | |
Joint management response to the Joint Evaluation of Joint Programmes on Gender Equality in the United Nations System en Integrated Budget 2014–2015 (UNW/2014/CRP.7) | en | es | fr | |
4 | Pledging event | |
UN Women Contribution Process FAQ | en | |
Pledge Form | en | es | fr | |
2013 Contribution List | en | |
2013 Top 20 Core Donors | en | |
2013 Core Contributions Pie Chart | en | |
2014 Contribution List | en | |
2014 Regional Overview of Government Pledges | en | |
5 | Audit matters | |
Report of the internal audit and investigation activities for the period 1 January to 31 December 2013 (UNW/2014/4) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
Report of the audit advisory committee (UNW/2014/4/Add.1) | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh | |
6 | Joint field visit | |
Report of the joint field visit of the Executive Boards of United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund/ United Nations Office for Project Services, United Nations Children’s Fund, UN-Women and the World Food Programme to Panama and El Salvador, 23 March – 1 April 2014 | en | es | fr | |
Adoption of decisions | ||
Decisions adopted during the annual session 2014 | en | |
Closing of the session | ||
Closing statement by the Executive Director/USG of UN-Women | en | |
Post-session documents | ||
Report of the annual session 2014 | ar | en | es fr | ru | zh |
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