This publication highlights new data and evidence on gender equality trends. It finds the world falling short on its commitments to women and girls. Despite declining poverty and narrowing gender gaps in education, not a single indicator under the global gender equality Goal has been achieved. The report stresses the high cost of not investing in women’s rights and champions radical action to accelerate the pace of change.
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This report summarizes the key findings and lessons learned of the application of the UN Women–ILO policy tool, “How to assess fiscal stimulus packages from a gender…
This report presents findings from the application of the UN Women–ILO policy support tool to estimate care deficits, investment costs, and economic returns. Applied in…
This policy paper highlights how the linkages between violence against women and girls and climate change have been integrated in the agreed conclusions and recommended…
Analysing data from 11 national household surveys, this research found that, while women typically earn less than men and pay more in transfer fees, the average…
Grounded in a series of case studies from research and programming experience, this report offers a comprehensive framework for understanding how gender, climate, and…
This research paper explores the connection between gender and age inequality and disaster risk, examining evidence at a global level, and in three case study countries…
This research brief focuses on the Universal Periodic Review process in the Human Rights Council and shows the potential for a powerful relationship between this process…
This report examines UN Women’s experiences implementing a global programme on gender-sensitive transitional justice (2015–2018), funded by the European Union. The…
TRANSFORM Issue 14, “Working together to empower voices”, is a special edition focused on the inter-related themes of gender, evaluation, transformative change,…
This report was written to highlight the experiences of women living with HIV in accessing treatment and quality care. Led by a Global Reference Group of women living…