This report presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals, focusing not only on the current level of progress, but also on the likelihood of achieving gender equality across the Goals at the current trajectory. Among this year’s recommendations is a call to significantly expand national investments and international financing in support of gender equality.
Explore our publications and reports
The “Afghanistan gender country profile 2024” provides a detailed snapshot of the situation regarding gender equality in Afghanistan. It analyses legal and institutional…
UN Women’s work on women’s economic empowerment has a broad and ambitious mandate and aims to strengthen women’s economic rights and respond to pressing global needs.…
This publication provides a summary of the 2023 Annual Global Gender Focal Point Meeting. It highlights key discussions on achieving gender parity, addressing sexual…
Men, masculinities and humanitarian settings: A mapping of the state of research and practice-based…
This literature review aims to map the state of research and practice-based evidence on critically engaging with men and masculinities in humanitarian settings and…
To help programme officers moderate their own expectations and those of funders, this brief provides examples of prevention programming that would be suitable for…
Annually, Gender Focal Points meet to exchange good practices and are recognized for achievements in advancing gender parity across the UN system in their respective…
This booklet celebrates the achievements of the System-wide Strategy on Gender Parity and the progress made since 2017. It demonstrates how joint efforts in UN entities…
TRANSFORM issue 24 features the corporate evaluation of UN Women’s apporach to innovation. In recent years, UN Women has increased its focus on innovation, based on the…
Drawing on evidence and the Luxembourg Income Study Database, this policy brief highlights the importance of child support for lone-mother families and factors that may…
This policy paper explores the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination faced by racially marginalized women, rooted in systemic racism, sexism, and other…