This report presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals, focusing not only on the current level of progress, but also on the likelihood of achieving gender equality across the Goals at the current trajectory. Among this year’s recommendations is a call to significantly expand national investments and international financing in support of gender equality.
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UN Women and UNDP's Financial Centres for Sustainability Network (FC4S) joined forces to launch a comprehensive Gender Finance Booklet to advance gender equality within…
Drawing on a selection of country experiences, this policy brief identifies emerging trends and practices on gender and disability-inclusive budgeting.
This technical brief analyses SDG Indicator 5.c.1 (proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment…
This action kit is a practical tool directed to actors who want to build an effective system for integrating gender responsive budgeting into the annual state budget…
This publication presents, through case studies, how leading public development banks (PDBs) have committed and are delivering on the gender equality agenda. The…
This policy brief presents entry points for the application of gender-responsive budgeting to COVID-19 support and recovery packages. Drawing on country examples, the…
UN Women continues to argue that it is important to ensure that adopted economic stimulus and recovery package are gender-responsive. Packages must be implemented in a…
A guide to public investments in the care economy: Policy support tool for estimating care deficits…
UN Women has emerged as a global leader in the promotion of the care economy, and this work has highlighted the urgent need to invest in childcare facilities through…
This brief presents emerging evidence of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on women’s economic empowerment. It considers the immediate gendered economic impacts, including…
Issue 15 of TRANSFORM focuses on governance and national planning (GNP), an area of work that has contributed to UN Women’s identity and for which it is recognized and…