This report presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals, focusing not only on the current level of progress, but also on the likelihood of achieving gender equality across the Goals at the current trajectory. Among this year’s recommendations is a call to significantly expand national investments and international financing in support of gender equality.
Explore our publications and reports
This poster presents data on women in executive positions as Heads of State, Heads of Government, and Cabinet members leading policymaking areas as heads of Ministries.…
UN Women’s work on women’s economic empowerment has a broad and ambitious mandate and aims to strengthen women’s economic rights and respond to pressing global needs.…
UN Women’s work on women’s political participation is aimed at ensuring that women lead, participate in, and benefit equally from governance systems by upholding women’s…
This action kit is a practical tool directed to actors who want to build an effective system for integrating gender responsive budgeting into the annual state budget…
This working paper features data and analyses of women’s representation in 133 countries and areas. The paper considers the impacts of legislated quotas and electoral…
This working paper analyses how women leaders at the national and subnational levels of government managed COVID-19 response and recovery from January 2020 through March…
The guidance note discusses key concepts and norms about violence against women in politics, including definitions and normative frameworks, and provides practical…
Women’s full and equal participation in all decision-making processes is necessary to achieve gender equality and drive progress towards sustainable development. A…
This brief shines a light on the critical role of women’s leadership in responding to COVID-19 and preparing for a more equitable recovery. In addition to considering…
These papers support women’s meaningful participation and the integration of gender perspectives in peace processes that aim to end violent intra-state conflict. The key…