This publication highlights new data and evidence on gender equality trends. It finds the world falling short on its commitments to women and girls. Despite declining poverty and narrowing gender gaps in education, not a single indicator under the global gender equality Goal has been achieved. The report stresses the high cost of not investing in women’s rights and champions radical action to accelerate the pace of change.
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This study highlights the laws and policies in G7 countries that impact the lives of women. It showcases the progress of 350 companies (largest 50 companies in each G7…
This report explores some key indicators of women’s economic empowerment in labour markets and women’s political participation and economic leadership in the Indian…
Analysing data from 11 national household surveys, this research found that, while women typically earn less than men and pay more in transfer fees, the average…
In this report, the Secretary-General underscores measures taken at the national level to incorporate a gender perspective into national sustainable development policies…
This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on closing the gender pay gap and reducing inequality to promote social justice and extend…
Trade liberalization, social policy development and labour market outcomes of Chinese women and men…
This paper analyses the trends in labour market outcomes of women and men in China in the decade after its accession to the World Trade Organization. It was produced for…
This paper provides an in-depth analysis of trends in labour market outcomes of women in India. It was produced for UN Women's flagship report Progress of the World's…
This brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on creating an alternative macroeconomic agenda that is rights-based and gender-responsive…
This report provides a unique quantification of the costs in terms of lost growth opportunities and an estimate of what societies, economies, and communities would gain…
The gender dimensions of pension systems: Policies and constraints for the protection of older women
This paper documents the pervasiveness of women’s lack of income security in old age across a large number of countries, but also points to a number of important policy…