Promoting the Rights, Needs and Agency of Women and Girls in Humanitarian Action

With continued population growth, urbanization, stretched natural resources, protracted conflict andthe impact of climate change becoming more apparent, the number of humanitarian crises continuesto grow, as does the number of communities requiring humanitarian assistance.

Within these communities, women and girls are often disproportionately at risk to the effects ofthese crises. They are more likely to lose their means of livelihood and are exposed to a heightenedrisk of gender-based violence. Further, in the aftermath of disasters, their specific humanitarian needsare often neither adequately identified nor addressed in the ensuing response by governments andhumanitarian agencies alike.

To address this omission, UN Women is committed to ensuring equality among all women, men, girlsand boys affected by disasters, both as beneficiaries of humanitarian action and as contributors to itsplanning and implementation. This brochure provides an overview and examples of how UN Womenpromotes gender equality and women’s empowerment in its humanitarian work around the world.

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Resource type(s): Brochures
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages