UN-Women Executive Board
The United Nations General Assembly, through General Assembly resolution 64/289, decided to establish the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, to be known as UN-Women a composite entity of the UN system from 1 January 2011.
The General Assembly also established the UN-Women Executive Board as the Governing Body of the Entity to provide intergovernmental support to and supervision of its operational activities (paragraph 50 and 57)
The rules of procedure of the Executive Board (UNW/2011/6) were adopted by the Board in 2011. Functions and working methods of the Executive Board are described in the Informal Guide to the UN-Women Executive Board.
Joint Calendar – Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF & UN-Women
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UN-Women Executive Board Calendar 2025
* Previous years can be accessed via the Executive Board Documents page.
Documents of Executive Board sessions, informal briefings, and other meetings in 2025:
- Election of the Bureau 2025, 10 January
- Informal briefing on audit matters & risk management, 14 January
- Informal briefing on how UN-Women is improving organizational culture, and on its actions to prevent and respond to all forms of discrimination, 14 January
- Orientation on the annual update of UN-Women activities with the Executive Board, 16 January
- Joint informal consultation of the Executive Boards with the JIU, 21 January
- Pre-session in advance of the First Regular Session 2025 & Orientation on the oversight mechanism and the ethics function of UN-Women, 24 January
- Informal briefing on ongoing work to improve forward looking and efficient budget management, 24 January
- Informal consultations on draft decisions for the First Regular Session, 3 February
- First Regular Session, 10-11 February
- Informal briefing on the revision of the UN Women Financial Regulations and Rules, 24 February
- Informal briefing on 2026-2029 Strategic Plan development, 27 February
- Informal briefing on MOPAN assessment of UN-Women 2023-2024, 8 April
- Update on the implementation efforts on the repositioning of the United Nations Development System, 19 May
- Informal briefings on (1) audit matters & (2) evaluation, 20 May
- Update on UN-Women policies to tackle sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment, 20 May
- Pre-session in advance of the Annual Session & Informal briefings on EDAR and the draft SP 2026-2029, 28 May
- Informal briefing on the draft integrated budget estimates for the biennium 2026-2027, 29 May
- Informal consultations on draft decisions for the Annual Session, 13 June
- Annual Session, 17-19 June
- Pre-session in advance of the Second Regular Session, 21 August
- Informal consultations on draft decisions for the Second Regular Session, 8 September
- Second Regular Session, 9-10 September