Benefits of partnering with UN Women
Long-term partnerships based on a mutually beneficial relationship are important to UN Women’s mandate—to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality. UN Women delivers value to its partners in several ways:
- UN Women’s partnerships with businesses and philanthropies are underlined by shared agendas to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
- UN Women is primed to convene government, corporate, civil society, and grassroots leaders and individuals to bring together a variety of partnerships through bilateral and multi-stakeholder engagements.
- We also play a strong global normative role, and through our field presence, we are closely connected with operations on the ground. Our expertise includes ending violence against women and girls; promoting women’s economic empowerment, leadership and political participation; and addressing concerns regarding women, peace and security.
- UN Women offers advisory services and guidance in conducting business in an equitable and sustainable manner. This includes removing harmful stereotypes in advertising and media content, working with men and boys to strive for an equal world, and addressing other demand- and industry-driven needs.
- Partnering with UN Women can enable a company to align its brand purpose with the transformative agenda of gender equality, yielding benefits through cause marketing, digital and public giving, as well as through relationships with employees, customers, and suppliers.
- As partners of UN Women, businesses and philanthropies join global stages and conversations to drive transformative efforts to reach parity and ensure that no woman or girl is left behind.
To discuss how your organization can partner with UN Women, please contact the at UN Women.