2022 sessions and other meetings
Documents of Executive Board sessions, informal briefings, and other meetings in 2022:
- Election of the Bureau 2022, 11 January
- Orientation for the new members of the Executive Board / Annual update on UN-Women activities with Executive Board membership, 21 January
- Pre-Session in advance of the First Regular Session & Informal briefing on evaluation, 24 January
- Informal briefing on audit matters, 24 January
- Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment – Update on the implementation of recommendations in the independent victim-centred review of UN-Women policies and processes on tackling sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment, 28 January
- First Regular Session, 14-15 February
- Orientation on the Oversight Mechanism of UN-Women, 11 April
- Pre-session in advance of the Annual Session & Informal briefing on annual report of the Executive Director on the implementation of the Strategic Plan, 2022-2025, 25 May
- Joint-interagency informal briefing on the IRRF Common Indicators, 25 May
- Informal briefing on update on implementation of UNGA resolution 72/279, 25 May
- Joint-interagency informal briefing on the IRRF Common Indicators, 25 May
- Informal briefing on update on implementation of resolution 72/279, 25 May
- Informal briefing on audit and investigation, 26 May
- Informal briefing on UN-Women’s role in advancing gender parity across the United Nations, 2 June
- Joint meeting of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP, 3 June
- Annual Session, 21-22 June
- Closed informal briefing on the independence of the Independent Evaluation and Audit Service, 19 August
- Informal briefing on UN-Women's Ethics function, 19 August
- Pre-session in advance of the Second Regular Session & Informal briefing on Structured Dialogue on Financing, 25 August
- Second Regular Session, 13-14 September
- Informal briefing on UN-Women's humanitarian work, 5 October
- Informal briefing on food security for women and girls, 20 October
- Informal briefing on the financial review, 21 November
- Informal briefing on the situation in Afghanistan and Palestine and UN-Women's engagement, 1 December
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