Gender Equality Accelerators

The message at the UN Sustainable Development Goals summit in September 2023 was crystal clear: the world is failing to achieve gender equality, making it an increasingly distant goal. The sense of urgency is sharp. The state of gender equality and women’s rights needs strategic, coordinated action.
As a response to this challenge, UN Women has worked with key partners to identify the root causes of persisting inequality and the most pressing issues for women and girls. The 10 Gender Equality Accelerators offer essential solutions to overcome existing challenges in achieving women and girls’ human rights and SDG 5, pertaining to gender equality.
These accelerators provide a flexible framework for driving progress, recognizing that there is no “one size fits all” solution. Accelerators can be tailored to match the unique needs and priorities of each country, with the active involvement of national stakeholders.
Effective collaboration with key stakeholders, including national governments, UN agencies, women’s civil society organizations, and the private sector is crucial for successfully addressing this huge task.
Ten Gender Equality Accelerators:
- Women’s Equal Participation in Political Decision-Making and Institutions
Addressing the systemic barriers to women’s political participation through evidence-based programming advocacy and greater system-wide accountability to accelerate progress towards achieving gender balance in political decision making and institutions. - Gender-Responsive Planning and Budgeting
Sharing evidence, capacities, and skills to embed gender equality in government planning and budgeting. - Transforming the Care Economy
Comprehensive “5R” policies: to recognize, reduce, redistribute, represent, and reward paid and unpaid care and domestic work, by boosting public investments in social care infrastructure and sparking the creation of millions of decent jobs for women. - Decent Work and Entrepreneurship
Leveraging social protection and gender-responsive procurement for women in business, promoting decent work, and ensuring income security. - Gender-Responsive Climate Action and Green/Blue Economies
Promoting gender equality and women’s rights while transitioning to sustainable economies with a focus on resilience, leadership, and livelihoods. - Ending Violence Against Women and Girls
Preventing and responding to all forms of violence against women and girls, in all their diversity. This includes addressing the multiple root causes fueling this violence and strengthening coordination and delivery of quality, essential services across different sectors and settings. - Women, Peace, and Security
Increasing global peace and security through women’s leadership and inclusion in prevention, peacemaking, peace-building, gender-responsive justice, and protection. - LEAP – Women’s Leadership, Access, Empowerment, and Protection in Humanitarian Coordination and Response
Promoting women’s leadership, safety, education, and livelihoods during humanitarian emergencies and protracted crises through partnerships with local women’s organizations, national governments, and UN agencies. - Women's Resilience to Disasters
Empowering women to lead in disaster and climate risk reduction and resilience efforts. Ensuring decision-making and governance systems are gender-responsive, and implementing measures to boost the resilience of women and girls against current and future disasters and threats. - Making Every Woman and Girl Count
Supporting countries to improve the production and use of gender-disaggregated data to monitor progress on the SDGs and scale up data-driven policy action for women and girls globally.