Youth LEAP into gender equality

There are 1.8 billion young people aged 10-24 years old in the world—the largest youth population ever. The new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is largely about youth and for the youth. Therefore, we cannot dismiss today’s young men and young women as solely the beneficiaries of development or even as the leaders of tomorrow – for they are already leading today! The force and inspirations of our youngest leaders represent one of the critical drivers for accelerating progress on sustainable development and gender equality.

Our youth and gender equality strategy seeks to empower young women and young men as partners in achieving gender equality. The LEAPs Framework, includes three thematic pillars – leadership of young women in all spheres strengthened, Economic empowerment and skills development of young women, and Action on ending violence against young women and girls – and three crosscutting approaches: Strengthening participation, voice and partnerships with young women and their organizations, partnerships with young men as partners of gender equality; and intergenerational partnerships throughout the life cycle to achieve a gender transformative society.

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Resource type(s): Strategies
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office