Regular resources report – Data and case studies from 2018

In 2018, UN Women’s regular resources increased for the third year in a row, generating more than USD 149 million in contributions from 115 partners, including 102 Member States. This report analyses how UN Women has used regular resource contributions to fulfil its normative, coordination, and operational activities mandate, in order to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide.

Through the presentation of tangible results, this report presents case studies at the global, regional, and country levels to showcase the impact that regular resources have in the countries where UN Women is present.

Enabled by UN Women’s work funded through 2018 regular resources, more than 40 million women enjoy increased legal protection; more than 75 million people benefit from disaster risk reduction measures that address the specific needs of women and girls; and 28 United Nations entities now track and report on allocations and expenditures using gender markers.

The 2018 “Regular resources report” recognizes the value of regular resource contributions, as these unrestricted funds enable UN Women to continue as the only global institution fully dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment. As regular resource partners are integral to achieving global gender equality, this report recognizes their vital importance.

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Resource type(s): Institutional reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages