Corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s support to National Action Plans on women, peace, and security
Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace, and security (WPS), together with nine subsequent resolutions, has been the central framework for tackling the many challenges that women face in situations of conflict.
Over the last decade, UN Women has played a crucial role in supporting the development and implementation of WPS National Action Plans (WPS NAPs) as the main tool by which these global WPS frameworks are translated into concrete strategies, actions, and outcomes at national levels.
In 2020, UN Women's Independent Evaluation Service conducted an evaluation of UN Women’s support to the development and implementation processes of WPS NAPs, assessing its relevance, coherence, effectiveness, organizational efficiency, sustainability, and extent to which a human rights approach and gender equality principles were integrated in order to meet WPS commitments and adopt accountability frameworks in conflict and post-conflict countries.
UN Women’s WPS NAPs work was assessed across the entity’s integrated mandate: normative, operational, and coordination at country, regional, and global levels. The evaluation’s scope was from 2015 to 2019, with a light touch assessment of the implications of this agenda during the COVID-19 pandemic.