Secretary-General’s report and resolution summary: How to improve the representation of women at the United Nations
This summary publication is based on the Secretary-General’s report on the “Improvement in the status of women in the United Nations system”. The report is published biennially by UN Women, based on its mandate to monitor and report on the status of women and progress of gender parity in the UN system.
This publication provides a summary of the key statistics on the representation of women in the UN system, barriers to achieving gender parity, and recommended actions to assist UN entities to reach gender parity.
Additional documents
Bibliographic information
Resource type(s):
Manuals and tools
UN Women office publishing:
UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages
ii + 5
Publishing entities
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
Beijing Platform for Action
Ending violence against women and girls
Gender data gaps
Gender data production and collection
Gender statistics
Intergovernmental processes
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting
Sex-disaggregated data
Sexual harassment
UN system coordination
Women in the UN system