CSW63 side event: Launch of Strategy on Equality in Law for Women and Girls by 2030

This event brings together government representatives, civil society organizations, and UN partners with the primary objective of generating awareness on the important role of laws in the achievement of gender equality and will reinforce the importance of eliminating discriminatory laws in all countries by 2030. Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 20 March 2019 | Start time: 13:45 UTC +00:00
End date: 20 March 2019 | End time: 15:15 UTC +00:00
Location: Conference Room 12, UN Headquarters, New York, NY, USA, 10017

Event description

More than 2.5 billion women and girls around the world are affected in multiple ways by discriminatory laws and the lack of legal protections. The elimination of discriminatory laws is inherent to the achievement of gender equality—a requirement for realizing the transformative ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These far-reaching implications on gender equality require taking a hard look at the laws, policies, and norms that govern our societies; how they are enforced; and the ways in which laws and practices enable or hinder the rights of women and girls.

Towards this end, UN Women, African Union, the Commonwealth, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, and Secretaría General Ibero-Americana have issued “Equality in Law for Women and Girls by 2030: A Multistakeholder Strategy for Accelerated Action” in close collaboration with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Equality Now, Global Citizen, Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, International Association of Women Judges, International Development Law Organization, Muslims for Progressive Values, and Women’s Learning Partnership to address persistent gender discrimination in law.

The strategy provides a framework for a concerted and multistakeholder approach aimed at fast-tracking the elimination of discriminatory laws and documenting experiences and lessons learned for scale up and replication.

Sponsored by: UN Women Headquarters
Other Co-Sponsors: African Union, the Commonwealth, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, and Secretaría General Ibero-Americana
More information:
Contact person: RSVP to Beatrice Duncan beatrice.duncan[at]unwomen.org +1 917 327-3540