What can we learn from UN Women evaluations? A meta-analysis of evaluations managed by UN Women in 2014

In response to the growing recognition that evaluations provide a source of evidence on the achievement of results and organizational effectiveness, the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) undertakes an annual meta-analysis of corporate and decentralized evaluations managed by UN Women.

This analysis constitutes the second synthesis of UN Women–commissioned evaluations since the adoption of the current Strategic Plan (2014–2017). The focus of this report is learning. Evidence from a total of 21 evaluation reports completed in 2014 from across the UN Women regions and HQ was included in the analysis, representing at least 51 countries (some reports were multi-country, regional, or corporate). Additional corroborating lessons were included from 23 evaluations completed in 2013.

The analysis considered the evaluation insights according to:

  1. UN Evaluation Group standard criteria (effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, sustainability, impact);
  2. UN Women Strategic Plan operational effectiveness and efficiency priorities and principles (culture of results, UN system coordination and partnership, promoting inclusiveness, national ownership, and supporting capacity development).

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Bibliographic information

UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages
Governing body/ies: UN Women Executive Board