The UN Women gender and economics training manual
This manual on gender and economics is intended to provide basic- and intermediate-level training to development practitioners, including governments and policy and programme staff in international development agencies.
The overall objective of the course is to strengthen the capacity of technical advisors and programme staff on the importance of gender-responsive economic policy. More specifically, the manual
- introduces participants to economics in general and presents feminist approaches to macroeconomics, microeconomics and international economics;
- exposes participants to critical analyses of global and regional economic trends, including those related to economic crises;
- enhances the skills of participants in formulating gender-responsive economic policy for programme implementation, policymaking, and advocacy; and
- strengthens the capacity of participants to network with other development practitioners, scholars, and policymakers.
This manual cannot be used or shared for training purposes without prior authorization from UN Women. Please contactregarding disseminating this manual in any form.
Additional documents
Bibliographic information
Resource type(s):
Manuals and tools
UN Women office publishing:
UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages
Publishing entities
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Economic empowerment
Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Gender mainstreaming
Macroeconomic policies
Social protection
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)