TRANSFORM – The magazine for gender-responsive evaluation – Issue 10, May 2017

UN Women regularly evaluates its own work to enhance accountability, inform decision-making and contribute to learning on gender equality. “TRANSFORM – The magazine for gender-responsive evaluation” uses data visualization and concise evaluation recommendations to highlight good practices and lessons learned on what works for gender equality for transformative change. Produced by the Independent Evaluation Office, TRANSFORM features UN Women corporate evaluations and meta-analyses, along with issues specifically dedicated to gender-responsive evaluation.

Issue no. 10 focuses on the strategic partnerships of UN Women. Partnerships are an essential aspect of our work but are often overlooked when we evaluate the results of our work. The skill set, time and resources necessary for ensuring truly effective strategic partnerships are often underestimated.

In 2015–2016, the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office undertook a corporate evaluation of UN Women’s strategic partnerships for gender equality and women’s empowerment. The evaluation is intended to enhance UN Women’s approach to strategic partnerships with the aim of ensuring that gender equality is reached by 2030. It was also expected to contribute to an understanding of how UN Women’s strategic partnerships can facilitate a strong position for gender equality and women’s empowerment within the current global development context and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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Resource type(s): Newsletters/magazines
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages