Gender equality and inclusive growth: Economic policies to achieve sustainable development
This publication makes a compelling argument that economic growth is an inherently gendered process and that gender-based inequalities can, in fact, be barriers to shared prosperity. The book argues that for growth to be truly inclusive and gender-equitable, the pattern of growth must create decent work and productive employment opportunities for women and men. This would require policymakers to adopt human rights as a guiding normative framework and to rethink the role of macro-level economic policies, including trade, industrial, macroeconomic, finance, and investment policies. The book highlights the importance of addressing unpaid care and domestic work and calls for a transformative approach that recognizes and values care work.
- Chapter 1: Conceptualizing gender-equitable inclusive growth
- Chapter 2: Tools of macroeconomic policy: Fiscal, monetary and macroprudential approaches
- Chapter 3: Gender-inclusive industrialization for growth and development in the context of globalization
- Chapter 4: Public investments and human investments: Rethinking macroeconomic relationships from a gender perspective
- Chapter 5: How human rights can strengthen prospects for gender-equitable inclusive growth
Additional documents
Bibliographic information
Resource type(s):
Research papers
UN Women office publishing:
UN Women Headquarters
Number of pages
Publishing entities
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
Economic empowerment
Gender equality and inequality
Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Macroeconomic policies
Social protection
Unpaid work