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This results snapshot of UN Women’s engagements with the private sector emphasizes the private sector’s role in creating jobs, innovating products, and fostering…
Artificial intelligence (AI) can advance gender equality but may also perpetuate inequalities if not managed properly. This UN Women publication emphasizes the need for…
Gender equality is a fundamental human right. Despite global efforts, no country has achieved full equality. The private sector plays a key role through job creation and…
This paper aims to help governments, policymakers, multilateral organizations, the private sector, and civil society to integrate women’s economic empowerment priorities…
This report marks the sixth and final monitoring cycle of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s (IASC) 2017 “Policy on gender equality and the empowerment of women and…
Widespread gender-based violence, including conflict-related sexual violence, has been a defining feature of the violent conflict in Sudan.
This guidance equips banks to prioritize women’s empowerment across their value chain. It provides a holistic framework for action, practical indicators, checklists, and…
Paving the way for a more equitable society, this publication illustrates gender-transformative approaches and recommendations for future programming. As UN Women…
Offering a counterpoint to the behaviour change strategies increasingly proposed in international development, this paper discusses a community-led approach to…
This discussion paper reviews seven key examples of how social norms are being measured in efforts to achieve gender equality. Through this analysis, several cross-…