Women2000 and Beyond: Women, gender equality and sport

In addition to improvements in health, sport provides women and girls with an opportunity for participation in the social and cultural life of their communities and promotes enjoyment of freedom of expression, interpersonal networks, and increased self-esteem. It also expands opportunities for education and for the development of a range of essential life skills. The participation of women and girls in sport challenges gender stereotypes and discrimination, and can therefore be a vehicle to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

This issue of Women 2000 and Beyond explores the relationship between sport and gender equality. It reviews the United Nations human rights and sport for development and peace framework as well as global and regional policy/normative frameworks on women, gender equality and sports. It examines the ways in which sport serves as a vehicle for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and then focuses on addressing gender inequalities in sport. The last part of this publication draws conclusions and offers recommendations.

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Resource type(s): Assessments
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office