Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming in United Nations Peacekeeping activities in (MONUC/MONUSCO) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

This evaluation report is a complementary report by UN Women to the evaluation of the UN Peacekeeping Activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo carried out in 2011-12 by the Inspection and Evaluation Division (IED) of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS). It provides an in-depth analysis of gender mainstreaming results in the Peacekeeping Mission along the following questions:

  • How effectively have human rights and gender equality been mainstreamed into the Missions’ operations?
  • To what extent have the Missions’ mandates and operations been contributing to the goals of Security Council resolutions, including those on women, peace and security and the rule of law?
  • What lessons have been learned in the Missions with respect to addressing human rights and gender equality, the rule of law and other major mandate areas?
  • What are the key challenges?

This evaluation applied the SC resolution 1325 on women, peace and security as the analytical framework/Theory of Change for assessing gender achievements of the Mission in DRC. The methodology included a comprehensive desk review, key informant interviews and an online survey administered to MONUSCO staff. The evaluation team consisted of two OIOS staff, two external consultants and a UN Women Regional Evaluation Specialist responsible for writing this report.

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Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Number of pages