Guidance note and checklist for tackling gender-related barriers to equitable
COVID-19 vaccine deployment

To maximize the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines deployment for all, it is critical to identify and address the known and emerging gender inequalities that impact the access to health services, including vaccination.

The Gender Equality Working Group of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 Global Action Plan on Healthy Living and Well-being for All, chaired by UN Women, along with the Gender and Health Hub at the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, developed this guidance note and checklist of key actions for countries to prioritize that align with the core domains of WHO and UNICEF’s guidance for COVID-19 national deployment and vaccination plans.

The tool provides concrete examples of gender-related barriers that could impede equal access to vaccination and how these barriers could be addressed.

These recommendations apply to national stakeholders in both COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX)-supported and self-financing countries, including ministry of health officials, civil society, health workers, employer and trade unions, religious and traditional leaders, the private sector, gender experts, representatives of women, gender-diverse people, and people with intersecting marginalised status.

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UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters
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