Fund for Gender Equality annual report 2019–2020

The Fund for Gender Equality (FGE) has supported since 2009 a total of 143 grantee partners—most of them national women-led civil society organizations (CSOs)—in advancing women’s economic and political empowerment, and the Sustainable Development Goals. After ten years benefitting millions and remaining today a unique grant-making model committed to the principles of accessibility, trust and women’s ownership, the Fund has concluded its operations.

Supported by photos, data, infographics, and individual impact stories, this last annual report highlights key achievements of the 18 projects active in 2019, including:

  • 79,000 women and girls from the most marginalized groups directly impacted;
  • 267,000 beneficiaries sensitized on women’s rights;
  • 18,400 women gained technical leadership, literacy, and vocational skills;
  • 8,800 men engaged as allies;
  • 15,600 women with increased income;
  • 215 women trained who were appointed or elected into leadership positions.

This year’s “In Focus” section offers a snapshot of the impact of the global health crisis caused by COVID-19 on FGE grantees and the populations they serve, as well as the ways that they are responding to it. The piece shows how, amid the acute challenges of the pandemic, women’s CSOs remain at the forefront of service delivery to the most vulnerable, demonstrating yet again the centrality of their role in our societies.

Finally, the report presents the results from two of this feminist programme’s latest efforts to accelerate progress towards gender equality, while fostering innovation and peer learning:

  • The South-South Exchange and Triangular Cooperation Initiative
  • The Future of Women’s Civil Society Organizations design-led project

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Resource type(s): Annual reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages