CSW62 side event: A holistic, integrated approach to accelerate rural women’s empowerment: The JP RWEE case
This side event will showcase results and emerging lessons from the Joint Programme on Accelerating Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment (JP RWEE), focusing on the programme’s contribution to rural women’s food security and nutrition, income generation, leadership and, hence, sustainable development. Furthermore, the event will create additional support and commitment for women’s economic empowerment as a key component of the 2030 Agenda to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Date: 13 March 2018, 4.45–6 p.m. EDT
Location: ExPress Bar, General Assembly Building, 3rd Floor, UN Headquarters, New York, NY 10017. Enter through the Visitors’ Entrance, 1st Avenue and East 46th Street.
For more information and to RSVP, contact Azzurra Chiarini.
4.45–4.55 – Welcome: Ms. Khetsiwe Dlamini, Chief of Staff and Acting Director for Strategic Partnerships, UN Women
4.55–5.05 – Opening remarks: H.E. Ms. Elback Zeinabou Tari Bako, Minister of Women’s Promotion and Child Protection of Niger
5.05–5.25 – “Joining forces for women’s economic empowerment: Our results”: Susan Kaaria, Senior Gender Officer, FAO; Gerald Gunther, Representative, UN Women Country Office in Kyrgyzstan; Etagegnehu Getachew, JP RWEE National Coordinator in Ethiopia
5.25–5.30 – Short video on RWEE activities in Nepal
5.30–5.50 – Plenary discussion: All presenters and participating government representatives
5.50–6.00 – Way forward and closing remarks: Eva Johansson, Lead Policy Advisor for Gender Equality, SIDA
Moderator: Kawinzi Muiu, Director, Gender Unit, WFP