UN Women to co-host screening of Equal Means Equal


On Friday, 26 August, UN Women and Heroica Films will host a screening of the documentary film “Equal Means Equal” followed by a panel discussion. The screening, beginning at 6.30 p.m. will be held at the ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters on the occasion of Women’s Equality Day in the United States.

The documentary, which features input from UN Women Deputy Executive Director Lakshmi Puri, actress Patricia Arquette, activist Gloria Steinem and more, explores women’s treatment in the United States through real-life examples—including precedent-setting legal cases. Directed by Kamala Lopez, the film presents the inadequacy of laws claiming to protect women and the importance of ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment, a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution stating that civil rights may not be denied because of a person’s gender.

The panel following the screening will include UN Women representatives Lopa Banerjee, Chief of the Civil Society Section, and Ravi Karkara, Senior Adviser to the Deputy Executive Director, as well as experts in global partnerships and human rights and media.

For more information, view the event programme.