CSW56 – Actividades de Michelle Bachelet

Mensaje de Michelle Bachelet Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Mujeres en el Día Internacional de la Mujer 2012

Lea también su declaración por escrito
Para el Día Internacional de la Mujer, 8 de marzo de 2012, Michelle Bachelet, la Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Mujeres, hace un llamado a la participación igualitaria de las mujeres en todas las esferas de la vida como algo fundamental para la democracia y la justicia. . Más información sobre el Día Internacional de la Mujer.


Fotos: Eventos y reuniones

Executive Director of UN Women Welcomes Delegates to NGO CSW Forum Consultation Day Executive Director of UN Women Meets Youth Delegates to the Commission on the Status of Women Executive Director of UN Women Meets Youth Delegates to the Commission on the Status of Women 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development US-China Panel on Rural Women and Sustainable Development UN Women Supports the Council of Europe's Convention Against Domestic Violence Event: \ Event: \ Event: \ Event: \ Ministerial Reception on the Occasion of the 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Ministerial Reception on the Occasion of the 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Ministerial Reception on the Occasion of the 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Side Event on the Topic of Accelerating Progress Towards Empowerment of Rural Women Side Event on the Topic of Accelerating Progress Towards Empowerment of Rural Women Side Event on the Topic of Accelerating Progress Towards Empowerment of Rural Women Side Event on the Topic of Accelerating Progress Towards Empowerment of Rural Women Side Event on the Topic of Accelerating Progress Towards Empowerment of Rural Women Side Event on the Topic of Accelerating Progress Towards Empowerment of Rural Women Concert: Raise Your Voice to End Female Genital Mutilation Concert: Raise Your Voice to End Female Genital Mutilation Next Page › ‹ Previous Page

Fotos: Michelle Bachelet en la CSW

La Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Mujeres, Michelle Bachelet, mantuvo reuniones bilaterales con miembros de gobiernos y otros dignatarios durante la 56ª sesión de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer.

UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Dr. Olivia N Muchena, Minister of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Dr. Olivia N Muchena, Minister of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Dr. Naomi Shaban, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Development and Linah Kilimo, Asistant Minister for Co-Operative Development of the Republic of Kenya UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Dr. Naomi Shaban, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Development and Linah Kilimo, Asistant Minister for Co-Operative Development of the Republic of Kenya UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Jasna Matic, State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society of the Republic of Serbia UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Jasna Matic, State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society of the Republic of Serbia UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Genoveva da Conceicao Lino, Minister of Family and the Promotion of Women and Head of the Angolan Delegation to CSW UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Genoveva da Conceicao Lino, Minister of Family and the Promotion of Women and Head of the Angolan Delegation to CSW UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Genoveva da Conceicao Lino, Minister of Family and the Promotion of Women and Head of the Angolan Delegation to CSW UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Mervat Tallawy, President of the Egypcian National Council of Women UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Mervat Tallawy, President of the Egypcian National Council of Women UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Fiza Batool Gillani, Goodwill Ambassador on Women's Empowerment and Head of the Pakistan Delegation to CSW UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Fiza Batool Gillani, Goodwill Ambassador on Women's Empowerment and Head of the Pakistan Delegation to CSW UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Gertrude I. Mongella, Secretary General of the 4th World Conference on Women UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Meng Xiaosi, Head of the Chinese Delegation to CSW, Vice President of the All-China Women's Federation UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Meng Xiaosi, Head of the Chinese Delegation to CSW, Vice President of the All-China Women's Federation UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Meng Xiaosi, Head of the Chinese Delegation to CSW, Vice President of the All-China Women's Federation UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Meng Xiaosi, Head of the Chinese Delegation to CSW, Vice President of the All-China Women's Federation UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, State Minister for Women and Children Affairs of Bangladesh UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, State Minister for Women and Children Affairs of Bangladesh UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with GEAR Latin America Group UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with GEAR Latin America Group UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with GEAR Latin America Group UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with GEAR Latin America Group America Group UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with GEAR Latin America Group UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with GEAR Latin America Group UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Lulama Xingwana, Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities of the Republic of South Africa UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Badraa Dolgor, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister and Deputy Chair for the National Committee on Gender Equality of Mongolia UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Badraa Dolgor, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister and Deputy Chair for the National Committee on Gender Equality of Mongolia UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet meets with Amira Elfadil Mohamed, Minister for Social Welfare of Sudan Next Page › ‹ Previous Page

Fotos: Inauguración de la CSW 56

La Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Mujeres, Michelle Bachelet, pronunció el discurso inaugural en la sesión de apertura de la 56ª sesión de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer.

56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Opens in United Nations General Assembly Hall

La Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Mujeres pide medidas contundentes para empoderar a las mujeres rurales y garantizar sus derechos

Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Mujeres Michelle Bachelet Con ocasión de la 56ª sesión de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer, la Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Mujeres, Michelle Bachelet, pide un esfuerzo considerable para eliminar las barreras y la discriminación a la que se enfrentan las mujeres y las niñas rurales, que constituyen un cuarto de la población del mundo. Desde la sesión de apertura hasta las docenas de eventos oficiales y paralelos, la Sra. Bachelet está exigiendo políticas más decididas y contundentes para empoderar a las mujeres y niñas rurales de modo de que puedan hacer oír sus voces y que puedan alcanzar todo su potencial, desde la eliminación de leyes discriminatorias hasta el suministro de un acceso equitativo a la educación, la salud, la tierra, las finanzas, las infraestructuras, los mercados y la tecnología.

La Directora Ejecutiva pide además medidas para ampliar su participación y responsabilidad en la toma de decisiones y para que puedan acceder a las oportunidades económicas. Las mujeres y las niñas rurales tienen un rol crucial en la agricultura y han sufrido mucho a causa de las crisis económica y financiera, los precios volátiles de los alimentos y la agricultura enfocada a las exportaciones. Eliminar las barreras que se encuentran en su camino será una contribución importante para erradicar el hambre y la pobreza y conseguir un desarrollo sostenible. La Sra. Bachelet instará a los Estados Miembros, la sociedad civil, el sector privado y todos los socios del desarrollo a unirse con el fin de garantizar que las mujeres rurales puedan gozar de sus derechos y vivir libres de violencia y discriminación.

La Sra. Bachelet participará en una serie de manifestaciones, desde pronunciar el discurso de apertura de la 56ª sesión de la Comisión el 27 de febrero a hacer una nueva convocatoria para el Fondo para la Igualdad de Género, y hablar en el evento Mujeres rurales, cambio climático y acceso a la energía organizado conjuntamente por ONU Mujeres y por la Fundación Mary Robinson - Justicia Climática. Tomará parte igualmente en Acelerando los progresos hacia el empoderamiento de las mujeres rurales copatrocinado por FAO, FIDA y PMA, el 28 de febrero, enfatizará la necesidad de conseguir cambios estructurales y de políticas y de trabajar con los niños y los hombres en una reunión con los Ministros de los países nórdicos el 29 de febrero, y estudiará la importancia de empoderar a las adolescentes rurales en un evento con UNICEF el 1 de marzo.

La Sra. Bachelet se reunirá igualmente con socios de la sociedad civil, incluyendo el evento Las mujeres rurales se hacen oír, organizado por la ONG-Foro CSW, ONU Mujeres, FAO y las principales organizaciones de la sociedad civil el 29 de febrero. También se ha previsto una conferencia de prensa para presentar el Mapa 2012 de las Mujeres en la Política, con la Unión Interparlamentaria, para el 2 de marzo.