Study finds investing in early child care would generate hundreds of thousands of jobs in Turkey
Study finds investments in early child care and pre-school education could create more than 700,000 jobs in Turkey, improve gender equality in the labour market and alleviate poverty through dual-earner households.Date:
Prioritizing State spending to expand Turkey’s social care service infrastructure would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, improve gender equality in the labour market and reduce poverty through dual earner households, according to a landmark study prepared by Istanbul Technical University Women’s Studies Centre and the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, in partnership with ILO, UNDP and UN Women.
Released today in Istanbul, the study entitled "The Impact of Public Investment in Social Care Services on Employment, Gender Equality and Poverty: The Turkish Case", makes a compelling case for greater public investment in social care services rather than similar expenditures in the construction sector.
The study estimates that spending an additional 20.7 billion TRY (USD 7 billion) on early child-care centres and pre-school education – the estimated amount in order for Turkey to catch up with the average OECD pre-school enrolment rate –would have a significant impact on Turkey’s economy by creating 719,000 new jobs for women and men. This is nearly 2,5 times more jobs than a similar amount would create in the construction sector.
...Read the full story on UN Women's Regional website for Europe and Central Asia