GenderTerm: UN Women online resources on the use of gender-inclusive language

As the global champion for women and girls, UN Women recognizes the importance of language in fighting gender bias and promotes the use of gender-inclusive language in all contexts and at all times. Gender-inclusive language refers to language that places both women and men at the same level, and which does not convey gender stereotypes.
Our searchable gender-inclusive lexicon below includes some 650 entries in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. You can search it using the “Find a term” search, or alphabetically.
Additional resources used by UN Women to ensure gender-inclusive language are available on the right menu. These will be updated as necessary as the use of gender-inclusive language evolves.
Please feel free to use this searchable gender-inclusive lexicon and associated resources and share them widely among your peers. As this is a live document, should you have any questions or suggestions, or simply require further information, please contact GenderTerm.
Gender-sensitive lexicon
Armed conflict
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Conflicto armado
Conflit armé
نزاع مسلح
Вооруженный конфликт
Asia and the Pacific
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Asia y el Pacífico
Asie et Pacifique
آسيا والمحيط الهادئ
Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион
Assistant Secretary-General
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Subsecretaria General/Subsecretario General
Sous-Secrétaire général(e)
مساعد الأمين العام
Помощник Генерального секретаря
Associations/networks of businesswomen
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Asociaciones/Redes de mujeres empresarias/comerciantes
Associations ou réseaux de femmes d’affaires
منظمات / شبكات سيدات الأعمال
Ассоциации/сети деловых женщин
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
الحكم الذاتي
Awareness raising
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Повышение осведомленности
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Punto de referencia
Lignes de base, états de référence
خطوط الأساس
Базовые уровни
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Declaración y Plataforma de Acción de Beijing
La Déclaration et le Programme d’action de Beijing
إعلان ومنهاج عمل بكين
Пекинская декларация и Платформа действий
Beijing Platform for Action
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Plataforma de Acción de Beijing
Programme d’action de Beijing
منهاج عمل بكين
Пекинская Платформа действий
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Sostén de la familia
Soutien de famille
Building code
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Código de construcción
Code de construction
قانون البناء
Строительный кодекс
Burden of care
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Carga de cuidados
Fardeau des soins
عبء الرعاية
Бремя по уходу
Call for papers
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Convocatoria para la presentación de artículos
Appels à contributions
دعوة لتقديم الأوراق
Призыв о предоставлении документов
Call for proposals
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Convocatoria para la presentación de propuestas
Appels à contributions
دعوة لتقديم المقترحات
Запрос предложений/ Конкурс заявок
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
السعة والقدرة
Capacity development
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Desarrollo de capacidades
Renforcement des capacités
تنمية القدرات
Развитие потенциала
Care burdens
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Cargas de trabajo doméstico y de cuidados
Charge des soins / Fardeau du travail non rémunéré / Fardeau du travail domestique non rémunéré
أعباء الرعاية
Нагрузки/Ответственность по уходу
Cases of violence
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Russian
Casos de violencia
Cas de violence
حالات العنف
Случаи насилия