First regular session 2016

Tuesday, 9 February 2016; 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; CR 1; UNHQ

Documents for the first regular session of the UN-Women Executive Board, on 9 February 2016. Advance copies of session documents are posted here and on the PaperSmart portal in the original language, and are replaced by official documents once available.

Item Documents Download
  Opening of the session  
  Statement by the President of the Executive Board fr
  Statement by the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director en 
1 Organizational matters
Annotated provisional agenda and workplan for the first regular session 2016 ar | enes
 frru | zh
  Draft annual workplan 2016 ar | enes
 frru | zh
  Provisional agenda and workplan for the annual session 2016 en | es | fr
  Report of the second regular session 2015 ar | enes
 frru | zh
2 Structured dialogue on financing  
  Briefing on financing UN-Women's Strategic Plan including its flagship programme initiatives en | es | fr
  Flagship programme initiatives booklet en
  Briefing on the implementation of UN-Women's coordination mandate en

Informal lunchtime briefing


Building Resilience in Fragility: Women’s Empowerment in Action
A Knowledge Initiative of UN-Women’s Fund for Gender Equality and the Government of Japan


  Briefing on the operational response at country level en
  Operational response at country level - Egypt Presentation
3 Field visit   
  Report of the joint field visit of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP to Amman, Jordan, 24 April – 2 May 2015 en | es | fr

UN-Women Programming in the Za’atari Refugee Camp, Jordan

  Briefing on the high-level review of implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325 en

Global Study on the Implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 1325

  Post-session document  
  Report on the election of the Bureau and on the first regular session, 11 January and 9 February 2016 ar | enes
 frru | zh