
Promoting Women's Political Leadership
and Governance in India and South Asia

When women leaders assert themselves, their presence goes from mere political representation to effective political participation. UN Women, along with the Government of India, works to strengthen the leadership skills and confidence of women leaders in gram panchayats (village councils) so they can make informed decisions that benefit all. Read more.

Gender Dimensions of Climate Change

Rural, indigenous people live in two simultaneous situations. While they have highly developed capabilities for management of biodiverse natural resources, they are lodged in a discriminated, excluded existence, away from the centre stage of economic and technological change. Their ecological systems are largely stressed by corporate control of resources, coupled with a general disregard of their knowledge. To combat this, women farmers have taken up new crop varieties which can withstand unseasonal heavy rains. Read more.

Rural Women-Agriculture, Forests and Employment

Asset ownership and control rights are preferable to policy alternatives of women's income generation. It provides a basis for overcoming distortions in the functioning of markets and for restructuring gender relations in property rights, access to technology, healthcare and governance. Recent studies conducted by UN Women is an attempt at drawing attention to this complex inter-relationship between women agricultural producers and their lack of rights to land and related factors of production. They explore implications of women's marginal rights to land for economic security and agricultural productivity. Read more.

Pacific Markets Literature Review - 1st Edition

The literature on Pacific Island markets and market traders is scattered across many academic disciplines and development project reports. This review and annotated bibliography unites these diverse sources to reveal a number of commonalities shared by women market traders. Read more.

UN Women Pacific launches Rural Pacific Island Women and Agriculture publication
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in the Pacific is pleased to announce the launching of its third literature review and annotated bibliography, Rural Pacific Island Women and Agriculture: Evidence, Data and Knowledge in Pacific Island Countries. Read more.

Baseline Studies and Fact sheets on Women in Informal Cross Border Trade