UN Women Civil Society Advisory Group for Latin America and the Caribbean created


Panama City, May 23rd — The Regional Director of UN Women for Latin America and the Caribbean, Moni Pizani, has announced the names of the selected members of the Civil Society Regional Advisory Group for Latin America and the Caribbean. This group of experts will provide political and technical advice at the highest level to UN Women and will serve as a channel of dialogue with the civil society in the region.

After a thorough review and analysis of the nominations, the Selection Committee has determined that the following candidates will integrate the Regional Advisory Group: Beatriz Clemencia Ramírez David (Colombia)¸ Donna Parchment-Brown (Jamaica); Dorotea Wilson (Nicaragua); Gracia Violeta Ross (Bolivia); Mabel Bianco (Argentina); Magaly Pineda (Dominican Republic); Marcela Lagarde (Mexico); María del Carmen Feijóo (Argentina); Marta Sánchez Néstor (Mexico); Mildred Crawford (Jamaica); Regina Tamés (Mexico); Rocío Rosero (Ecuador); Silvia Juliá (Argentina); Teresa Valdés (Chile); Virginia Vargas (Peru).

“It has been an arduous decision-making process for the Selection Committee, as we have received 119 nominations from women and men with distinguished records of commitment to gender equality in Latin America and Caribbean, noted Ms. Pizani. She highlighted that after two days of intense work the Committee had selected an important group of experts that meet the strict criteria that had been previously defined.

The members of the Advisory Group have proven experience in areas related to gender equality and the empowerment of women. Among those selected are activists for women's rights, distinguished academics from the region specialized in gender issues and endorsed by prestigious institutions, Afro-descendant and indigenous women leaders and renown advocates with broad expertise in the defense of the political, economic and reproductive rights of women in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The process to select the members of the Regional Advisory Group was agreed upon during a meeting of representatives of the civil society in the framework of the 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women held in New York last February. The members were selected among candidates nominated by civil society organization from across the entire region.

For more information :
Caterina de Tena
Responsable de Comunicación
Tel: + (507) 302 - 4782 / Cel: 624 674 59