Official Documents
- E/2014/27
Report on the fifty-eighth session - E/CN.6/2014/L.7
Agreed Conclusions - E/CN.6/2014/1
Provisional agenda and annotations - E/CN.6/2014/1/Add.1
Proposed organization of work - E/CN.6/2014/2
Normative aspects of the work of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director - E/CN.6/2014/3
Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/4
Progress in mainstreaming a gender perspective in the development, implementation and evaluation of national policies and programmes, with a particular focus on the priority theme. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/5
Discussion guide for the high-level round table on the priority theme. Note by the Secretariat - E/CN.6/2014/6
The situation of, and assistance to, Palestinian women. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/7
Release of women and children taken hostage, including those subsequently imprisoned, in armed conflicts. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/8 • A/HRC/26/17
Report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women on the activities of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women - E/CN.6/2014/9
Letter from the President of the Economic and Social Council to the Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women - E/CN.6/2014/10
Input to the 2014 ECOSOC high-level segment. Note by the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/11
Eliminating maternal mortality and morbidity through the empowerment of women. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/12
Women, the girl child and HIV and AIDS. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/13
Gender equality and the empowerment of women in natural disasters. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/14
Ways and means to further enhance the impact of the work of the Commission on the Status of Women. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/CRP.1 ar | en | es | fr | ru | zh
Results of the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth sessions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Note by the secretariat - E/CN.6/2014/CRP.3
Proposed strategic framework for the period 2016-2017: Programme 14, Gender equality and empowerment of women. Note by the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2014/CRP.4
Note by the Secretariat
NGO statements
- E/CN.6/2014/NGO/1
Abiodun Adebayo Welfare Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/2
ActionAid - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/3
Al-khoei Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/4
Alliance Defense Fund and Mujer Para La Mujer A.C - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/5
Almanar Voluntary Organization - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/6
American Association of University Women - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/7
Amnesty International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/8
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/9
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/10
Asia Pacific Women’s Watch - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/11
Association for Women’s Rights in Development - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/12
Association nationale Al Hidn - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/13
Asylum Access - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/14
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/15
Befa Women and Child Care Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/16
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/17
Bunyad Literacy Community Council - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/18
International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/19
Catholic Women’s League Australia - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/20
Catholics for Choice - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/21
Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/22
Center for Africa Development and Progress - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/23
Centre for Social Research - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/24
Centro de Investigación Social, Formación y Estudios de la Mujer - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/25
Christian Aid - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/26
Coalition against Trafficking in Women - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/27
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/28
Corporación para la Investigación, el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Promoción Social - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/29
Development Promotion Group - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/30
Dhammakaya Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/31
Dianova International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/32
Dones per la Llibertat i Democràcia - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/33
Earth Child Institute, International Public Policy Institute and Pathways to Peace - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/34
Fédération européenne des femmes actives au foyer - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/35
Federation for Women and Family Planning - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/36
Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/37
Comité de América Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer, Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristán and Centro de Investigación para la Acción Femenina - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/38
Forum for Women and Development - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/39
Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/40
Foundation for Human Horizon - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/41
Gazeteciler ve Yazarlar Vakf - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/42
Global Justice Center - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/43
Guild of Service - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/44
Association of War-Affected Women, Guild of Service, Mama Zimbi Foundation, Widows for Peace through Democracy and Women for Human Rights, Single Women Group - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/45
Hadassah: Women’s Zionist Organization of America - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/46
Human Rights Advocates - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/47
Indian Development Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/48
Institute for Practical Idealism - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/49
International Alliance of Women - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/50
International Association of Schools of Social Work - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/51
International Center for Alcohol Policies - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/52
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/53
International Council of Women - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/54
International Council on Social Welfare - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/55
International Federation of Business and Professional Women - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/56
International Federation of University Women - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/57
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/58
International Health Awareness Network - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/59
International Network of Liberal Women - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/60
International Rescue Committee - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/61
International Shinto Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/62
International Women’s Health Coalition - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/63
IPAS - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/64
Mothers’ Union - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/65
National Alliance of Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/66
National Council of German Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/67
Pacific Women’s Watch (New Zealand) - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/68
Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/69
Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer y Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres [“Foundation for Women's Studies and Research and Women’s Network for Grass-roots Education”] - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/70
Solar Cookers International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/71
Soroptimist International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/72
South Sudanese Women Christian Mission for Peace - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/73
Center for Reproductive Rights - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/74
To Love Children Educational Foundation International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/75
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/76
Wales Assembly of Women - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/77
African Centre for Democracy - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/78
WOOMB International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/79
AARP, Alzheimer’s Disease International — International Federation of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Societies, Global Action on Aging, Gray Panthers, HelpAge International, Instituto Qualivida, International Council on Social Welfare, International Federation on Ageing, International Longevity Center Global Alliance and International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/80
African Women’s Development and Communication Network, Akina Mama Wa Afrika, Association of African Women for Research and Development, Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women, Femmes Afrique solidarité, Servitas Cameroon, Women in Law and Development in Africa - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/81
Agricultural Missions, All India Women’s Education Fund Association, Alliance for Africa, Amman Center for Human Rights Studies, Association of War-Affected Women, Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights, CARE, Centre for Social Research, Coalition against Trafficking in Women, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Equality Now, Equidad de Genero: Ciudadania, Trabajo y Familia, European Women’s Lobby, Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya, Flora Tristan Peruvian Women’s Center, Foodfirst Information and Action Network, Forum for Women and Development, Global Justice Center, Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, International Council for Adult Education, International Women’s Anthropology Conference, International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific, Movimiento Manuela Ramos, National Alliance of Women’s Organizations, Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women, Programme on Women’s Economic Social and Cultural Rights, Servitas Cameroon, Soroptimist International, Tandem Project and Temple of Understanding - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/82
Anglican Consultative Council, Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora (New Zealand), Church Women United, Lutheran World Federation, Presbyterian Church USA, Salvation Army, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, United Church of Christ Board for World Ministries, United Methodist Church General Board of Global Ministries, World Student Christian Federation and World Young Women’s Christian Association - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/83
Asociación de Familias y Mujeres del Medio Rural - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/84
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, International Volunteerism Organization for Women, Education and Development, Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco and Salesian Missions - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/85
International Planned Parenthood Federation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/86
International Volunteerism Organization for Women, Education and Development and Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/87
International Volunteerism Organization for Women, Education and Development, Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco, and Salesian Missions - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/88
Mouvement mondial des mères international - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/89
National Council of Women of Great Britain - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/90
New Future Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/91
New Japan Women’s Association - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/92
Transnational Radical Party - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/93
Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/94
Mothers Legacy Project - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/95
Advocates for Youth, Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women, Awaz Centre for Development Services, Catholics for Choice, Center for Health and Gender Equity, European Women’s Lobby, Family Care International, Federation for Women and Family Planning, Forum for Women and Development, Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer, German Foundation for World Population, International Planned Parenthood Federation (Europe region), Italian Association for Women in Development, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Population Action International, Red ACTIVAS, Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe, Stichting Rutgers WPF, Swedish Association for Sexuality Education, Vaestoliitto — Family Federation of Finland and World Young Women’s Christian Association - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/96
American Psychological Association, International Association of Applied Psychology, International Council of Psychologists, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues and World Council for Psychotherapy - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/97
Mouvement pour la défense de l’humanité et l’abolition de la torture - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/98
Apne Aap Women Worldwide (India) Trust, Coalition against Trafficking in Women, Equality Now and European Women’s Lobby - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/99
Coordination française du lobby européen des femmes - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/100
Defence for Children International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/101
Ensemble luttons contre le sida [“Fighting AIDS together”] - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/102
Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/103
Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Ayuda Social, Ecológica y Cultural - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/104
Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/105
Integrated Development Services - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/106
International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/107
Islamic Women’s Institute of Iran - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/108
Krityanand UNESCO Club Jamshedpur - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/109
Legião da Boa Vontade - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/110
Consell Nacional de Dones de Catalunya [National Women’s Council of Catalonia] - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/111
Passionists International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/112
Pathways to Peace - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/113
Pax Romana - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/114
Plan International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/115
Priests for Life - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/116
Public Health Institute - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/117
Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres [“Women’s Network for Popular Education”] - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/118
Rehabilitation International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/119
Roma Centre for Social Intervention and Studies - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/120
Royal Academy of Science International Trust - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/121
Rural Development Leadership Network - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/122
Sakyadhita - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/123
Salesian Missions - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/124
Science of Spirituality - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/125
Society for Human Advancement and Disadvantaged Empowerment - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/126
Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/127
Sociologists for Women in Society - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/128
Sveriges Kvinnolobby - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/129
Temple of Understanding - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/130
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/131
Sant Nirankari Mandal — Delhi - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/132
Training for Women Network - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/133
Umuada Igbo Nigeria - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/134
United Methodist Church General Board of Global Ministries - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/135
Women’s Federation for World Peace
International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/136
African Action on AIDS, European Union of Women, Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas, Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Federation for Home Economics, International Federation of Business and Professional Women, International Federation of Social Workers, International Federation of University Women, International Inner Wheel, National Council of German Women’s Organizations, Pan Pacific and South-East Asia Women’s Association of Thailand, Socialist International Women, Soroptimist International, Women against Violence (Europe), Women’s International Zionist Organization and Zonta International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/137
African Action on AIDS, European Union of Women, Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas, Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, International Alliance of Women, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Council of Women, International Federation for Home Economics, International Federation of Business and Professional Women, International Federation of Social Workers, International Federation of University Women, International Inner Wheel, National Council of German Women’s Organizations, Pan Pacific and South-East Asia Women’s Association of Thailand, Servas International, Socialist International Women, Soroptimist International, Women against Violence (Europe), Women’s International Zionist Organization and Zonta International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/138
Fédération européenne des centres de recherche et d’information sur le sectarisme - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/139
Institut Jules-Destrée - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/140
World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/141
Collectif des femmes africaines du Haina - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/142
NGO Coordination post Beijing Switzerland - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/143
Perfect Union - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/144
Regards de femmes - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/145
RESO-Femmes - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/146
Solidarité agissante pour le développement familial - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/147
Salvation Army - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/148
VAAGDHARA - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/149
Verein Sudwind Entwicklungspolitik - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/150
Vida y Familia de Guadalajara - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/151
Vision Welfare Group - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/152
Voluntary Service Overseas - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/153
Women for Women’s Human Rights: New Ways - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/154
Women in Europe for a Common Future - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/155
Women’s Board Educational Cooperation Society - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/156
Women’s Environment and Development Organization - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/157
Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/158
Women’s Intercultural Network - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/159
Women’s World Summit Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/160
Working Women Association - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/161
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/162
World Federation for Mental Health - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/163
World Igbo Congress - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/164
World Mission Foundation - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/165
World Society of Victimology - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/166
World Young Women’s Christian Association - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/167
World Youth Alliance - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/168
Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/169
Young Professionals Forum - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/170
Zonta International - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/171
Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/172
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/173
Women in Alternative Action - E/CN.6/2014/NGO/174
Modern Advocacy, Humanitarian, Social and Rehabilitation Association
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