Official Documents
- E/2015/27
Report on the fifty-ninth session - E/CN.6/2015/1
Provisional agenda and annotations - E/CN.6/2015/1/Add.1
Proposed organization of work - E/CN.6/2015/2
Normative aspects of the work of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women - E/CN.6/2015/3
Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2015/4
Discussion guide for the high-level round tables of the Commission on the Status of Women. Note by the Secretariat - E/CN.6/2015/5
Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women. Report of the Secretary-General - E/CN.6/2015/6/A/HRC/29/3
Report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women on the activities of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women - E/CN.6/2015/7
Letter from the President of the Economic and Social Council addressed to the Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women - E/CN.6/2015/8
Input to the 2015 session of the Economic and Social Council. Note by the Secretariat - E/CN.6/2015/9
Results of the sessions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Note by the Secretariat
NGO statements
- E/CN.6/2015/NGO/1
ACT Alliance — Action by Churches Together - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/2
Abiodun Adebayo Welfare Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/3
Action Canada for Population and Development - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/4
Advocates for Youth, Equality Now, Mercy Corps, Pathfinder International, Population Council, Public Health Institute and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/5
African Heritage Foundation Nigeria - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/6
African Hope Committee - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/7
Al-khoei Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/8
Alliance Defending Freedom, Centro de Estudio y Formación Integral de la Mujer, Mujer para la Mujer and Vida y Familia de Guadalajara - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/9
Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/10
Amnesty International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/11
Amuta for NGO Responsibility - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/12
Australian Association of Yoga in Daily Life - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/13
Australian Lesbian Medical Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/14
Awesome Treasures Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/15
Baha’i International Community - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/16
Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/17
Canadian Labour Congress - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/18
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute and Family Research Council - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/19
Catholic Institute for International Relations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/20
Catholic Women’s League Australia Incorporated - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/21
Center for Global Nonkilling - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/22
Center for Reproductive Rights - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/23
Coalition against Trafficking in Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/24
Concile mondial de congrès diplomatiques des aumoniers pour la paix universelle des droits humains et juridiques - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/25
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Dominican Leadership Conference, International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, International Federation of Women Lawyers, International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Passionists International, Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries and UNANIMA International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/26
Education International, International Trade Union Confederation and Public Services International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/27
Egyptian AIDS Society - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/28
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Market Women’s Fund - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/29
Endeavour Forum - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/30
African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, African Women’s Development and Communication Network, All Pakistan Women’s Association, Alliance for Africa, Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha, Canadian Federation of University Women, Centre for Human Rights, Coalition against Trafficking in Women, sénégalais des Africaines pour la promotion de l’éducation relative à l’environnement, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, German Foundation for World Population, Equality Now, European Women’s Lobby, Federation for Women and Family Planning, Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya, Femmes solidaires, Foundation for the Development of Knowledge Suma Veritas, Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida, International Alliance of Women, International Centre for Research on Women, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Moremi Initiative for Women’s Leadership in Africa, Mothers Legacy Project, National Council of Women of Canada, National Council of Women of the United States, Netherlands Association of Women’s Interests, Women’s Work and Equal Citizenship, Parliamentarians for Global Action, Research Centre for Feminist Action, Servitas Cameroon, Society for International Development, Soroptimist International, South Sudanese Women Christian Mission for Peace, Union Women’s Center, Women in Law and Development in Africa, Women’s World Summit Foundation, World Federation for Mental Health, World Mission Foundation, World Young Women’s Christian Association and Young Women’s Christian Association of Nigeria - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/31
Equidad de Genero: Ciudadania, Trabajo y Familia - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/32
Exodus Cry - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/33
Future Hope International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/34
Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/35
Global Alliance for Women’s Health - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/36
Global Fund for Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/37
Guild of Service - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/38
Training for Women Network - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/39
Institute of Noahide Code - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/40
International Association of Schools of Social Work - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/41
Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/42
Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/43
WOOMB International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/44
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/45
World Evangelical Alliance - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/46
World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/47
Yoga in Daily Life USA - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/48
Zonta international - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/49
Barinu Institute For Economic Development - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/50
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/51
House of Jacobs International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/52
International Committee For Peace and Reconciliation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/53
International Council of Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/54
International Federation of Social Workers - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/55
International Federation on Ageing - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/56
International Health Awareness Network - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/57
International Police Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/58
International Police Executive Symposium - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/59
International Relations Students’ Association of McGill University - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/60
International Women’s Health Coalition - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/61
IOGT International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/62
Asabe Shehu Yar’Adua Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/63
Fédération européenne des femmes actives au foyer - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/64
Kulturverein — IDEA Society - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/65
League of Women Voters of the United States - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/66
Make Mothers Matter - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/67
Medical Women’s International Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/68
Medical Women’s International Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/69
Northern Ireland Women's European Platform - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/70
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/71
Service and Research Institute on Family and Children - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/72
Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/73
Solar Cookers International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/74
Soroptimist International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/75
Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/76
Federation of Women Groups - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/77
Thin and High - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/78
Virtue Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/79
Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/80
American Association of University Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/81
Association for Progressive Communications (APC) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/82
Center for Practice-oriented Feminist Science (PROFS) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/83
Center for Women and Development - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/84
Federation for Women and Family Planning - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/85
Human Rights Advocates Inc - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/86
Human Rights Now - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/87
Reach Out (REO) “N.G.O.” - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/88
Women in Europe for a Common Future - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/89
African Women's Development & Communication network (FEMNET) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/90
Beijing Children's Legal Aid and Research Center - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/91
Centre for Social Research - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/92
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/93
Forum for Women and Development - FOKUS - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/94
Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America and Salesian Missions - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/95
Human Life International, inc. - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/96
IDPC Consortium - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/97
Canadian Federation of University Women and International Federation of University Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/98
Institut international pour la paix, la justice et les droits de l’homme - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/99
Imamia Medics International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/100
Integrated Development Services (I.D.S.) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/101
Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/102
International Alliance of Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/103
International Association for Women’s Mental Health - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/104
International Council of Women/Conseil International des Femmes and International Federation of Business and Professional Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/105
International Council on Social Welfare - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/106
International Federation for Home Economics - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/107
International Federation of Business and Professional Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/108
International Federation of University Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/109
International Network of Liberal Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/110
International Planned Parenthood Federation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/111
International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/112
International Shinto Foundation (ISF) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/113
Israel Women’s Network - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/114
Kikandwa Rural Communities Development Organization - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/115
Legião da Boa Vontade — Legion of Good Will - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/116
International Network of Liberal Women and Liberal International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/117
Ma’arij Foundation for Peace and Development - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/118
Major Alliance Education Centre - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/119
Family and Life, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Education Fund and National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/120
Mothers Legacy Project - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/121
National Alliance of Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/122
National Council of German Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/123
National Council of Women of Great Britain - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/124
Participatory Rural Development Society - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/125
Personhood Education and Vida y Familia de Guadalajara - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/126
Population Media Center - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/127
Priests for Life - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/128
Public Health Institute - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/129
Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/130
Socialist International Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/131
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/132
National Council of Women of the United States and Sociologists for Women in Society - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/133
Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/134
Entrepreneurship Development Foundation for Women and Youth - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/135
To Love Children Educational Foundation International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/136
Transdiaspora Network - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/137
UNANIMA International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/138
Non-Governmental Organizations Coordinating Committee and Young Women’s Christian Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/139
ActionAid - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/140
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/141
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/142
Association for Protection of Refugee and Internally Displaced Women and Children - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/143
Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/144
Centa for Organisational Development - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/145
Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance Foundation and Nazra for Feminist Studies - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/146
Christian Aid - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/147
Dhaka Ahsania Mission - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/148
Donne in Rete contro la Violenza - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/149
Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/150
Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/151
Forum of Women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/152
Gazeteciler ve Yazarlar Vikki - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/153
Global Foundation for Democracy and Development - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/154
Il Cenacolo - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/155
Indian Development Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/156
Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/157
International Institute for Child Protection - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/158
International Muslim Women’s Union - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/159
IPAS - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/160
Karabakh Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/161
Krityanand UNESCO Club Jamshedpur - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/162
Labour, Health and Human Rights Development Centre - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/163
Madre - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/164
MAMTA: Health Institute for Mother and Child - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/165
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/166
Misión Mujer - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/167
Modern Advocacy, Humanitarian, Social and Rehabilitation Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/168
Nation Builders Organisation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/169
National Council of Women of Malta - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/170
New Japan Women’s Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/171
Pacific Women's Watch (New Zealand) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/172
Pathways to Peace - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/173
People to People - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/174
People's Decade of Human Rights Education - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/175
Prahar - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/176
The Salvation Army - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/177
Samaj Kalyan Unnayan Shagstha - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/178
Singapore Council of Women's Organisations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/179
Society for the Protection and Assistance of Socially Disadvantaged Individuals - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/180
Iranian Women Advocating Sustainable Development of the Environment - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/181
Sveriges Kvinnolobby - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/182
Catholic Health Association of India - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/183
Conscious Global Change - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/184
Umuada Igbo Nigeria - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/185
Universal Muslim Association of America - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/186
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/187
Voluntary Service Overseas - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/188
Women’s Board Educational Cooperation Society - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/189
Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/190
Stree Atyachar Virodhi Parishad - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/191
Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/192
Women’s Intercultural Network - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/193
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/194
Working Women Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/195
World Family Organization - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/196
World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/197
World Igbo Congress - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/198
World Mission Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/199
World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/200
World Youth Alliance - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/201
Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/202
Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/203
Young Professionals Forum - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/204
African Women's Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/205
Aide internationale pour l'enfance - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/206
Amis des etrangers au togo (A.D.E.T.) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/207
Asociacion Cubana de las Naciones Unidas (Cuban United Nations Association) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/208
Asociación Nacional de Estudiantes de Ingenierías Industrial, Administrativa y de Producción (National Association of Industrial Management and Production Engineering Students) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/209
Association démocratique des femmes du Maroc - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/210
Association internationale droits homme - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/211
Association mondiale de psychanalyse du champ freudien - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/212
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/213
African Centre for Industrial Research (CARI) - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/214
Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/215
China Family Planning Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/216
Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/217
Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/218
French Coordination for the European Women's Lobby - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/219
Corporativa de Fundaciones - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/220
Dianova International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/221
Dones per la Llibertat i Democràcia - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/222
Educational Foundation for African Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/223
Ensemble luttons contre le sida - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/224
Féderation européenne des centres de recherche et d’information sur le sectarisme - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/225
Federación Española de Mujeres Directivas, Ejecutivas, Profesionales y Empresarias - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/226
Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Ayuda Social, Ecológica y Cultural - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/227
Federation of Islamic Medical Associations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/228
Femmes solidaires - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/229
Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/230
Association of United Families International, Global Helping to Advance Women and Children, Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society, International Solidarity and Human Rights Institute, Observatorio Regional para la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe, Worldwide Organization for Women - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/231
Jesus Weeps over Africa - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/232
Latin American Committee for the Defence of Women’s Rights - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/233
Collectif des femmes africaines du Hainaut - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/234
National Women’s Council of Catalonia - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/235
NGO Coordination post Beijing Switzerland - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/236
Regards de femmes - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/237
Royal Academy of Science International Trust - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/238
Solidarité agissante pour le développement familial - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/239
SOS Éducation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/240
Stichting Rutgers WPF - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/241
Tchad agir pour l’environnement - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/242
Union Women’s Center - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/243
Women in Alternative Action - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/244
World Young Women’s Christian Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/245
Forum Azzahrae pour la femme marocaine - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/246
Al-Hakim Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/247
Association nationale Al Hidn - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/248
International Peace and Development Organization - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/249
Society Studies Centre - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/250
Sudanese Women General Union - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/251
Women Organization for Development and Capacity Building - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/252
Women Research Center - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/253
Asian-Eurasian Human Rights Forum - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/254
Association africaine de l’eau - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/255
Association de défense des droits de l’homme - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/256
Association of War-Affected Women, Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha, Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Education International, Equidad de Género: Ciudadania, Trabajo y Familia, Forum for Women and Development, Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer, Women’s International Cross-Cultural Exchange, International Alliance of Women, International Federation of University Women, International Federation of Women Lawyers, International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, International Public Policy Institute, International Women’s Health Coalition, International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific, Medical Women’s International Association, National Council of Women of the United States, People’s Decade of Human Rights Education, Tandem Project, Union de l’action féminine, Women and Modern World Centre, Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, Women’s Intercultural Network, World Federation for Mental Health and World Young Women’s Christian Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/257
Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú, Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir and Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/258
AARP, Alzheimer’s Disease International — International Federation of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Societies, Guild of Service, HelpAge International, Instituto Qualivida, International Council on Social Welfare, International Longevity Center Global Alliance, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, National Council of Women of Great Britain, Soroptimist International and Widows for Peace through Democracy - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/259
Hunger Project - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/260
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/261
Indian Law Resource Centre and National Congress of American Indians - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/262
Institut Jules-Destrée - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/263
Coalition against Trafficking in Women, Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations, Coordinadora Española para el Lobby Europeo de Mujeres, Coordination française du lobby européen des femmes, Engender, Equality Now, European Women’s Lobby, Federación Española de Mujeres Directivas, Ejecutivas, Profesionales y Empresarias, Federación de Mujeres Progresistas, Femmes solidaires, Forum for Women and Development, The Grail, International Alliance of Women, International Association of Applied Psychology, International Council of Women, International Federation of Business and Professional Women, Italian Association for Women in Development, Karat Coalition, National Alliance of Women’s Organizations, National Council of Women of Malta, Netherlands Association of Women’s Interests, Women’s Work and Equal Citizenship, Network of East-West Women, Red ACTIVAS, Soroptimist International, Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland, Sveriges Kvinnolobby, Wales Assembly of Women, Women’s World Summit Foundation, World Council for Psychotherapy, World Federation for Mental Health and World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/264
African Action on AIDS, Associated Country Women of the World, European Union of Women, Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas, Hadassah: Women’s Zionist Organization of America, International Alliance of Women, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Council of Jewish Women, International Council of Psychologists, International Council of Women, International Federation for Home Economics, International Federation of Social Workers, International Federation of University Women, International Inner Wheel, Pan Pacific and South-East Asia Women’s Association of Thailand, Pax Romana, Servas International, Socialist International Women, Soroptimist International, Women’s Federation for World Peace International, Women’s International Zionist Organization and Zonta International - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/265
Interregional Union of Life Help for Mentally Handicapped Persons “Sail of Hope” - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/266
Anglican Consultative Council, Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora (New Zealand), Church Women United, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, Lutheran World Federation, Presbyterian Church USA, Salvation Army, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, United Church of Christ Board for World Ministries, Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, Women’s Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women and World Young Women’s Christian Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/267
Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/268
Organisation mondiale des associations pour l’éducation prénatale - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/269
American Association of University Women, Armenian Relief Society, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Dominican Leadership Conference, End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes, Feminist Majority Foundation, Girls Learn International, The Grail, International Confederation of Midwives, International Council of Jewish Women, International Federation of Business and Professional Women, International Humanist and Ethical Union, International Lactation Consultant Association, International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, International Union for Health Education, National Council of Women of the United States, Pan Pacific and South-East Asia Women’s Association, Passionists International, Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Salvation Army, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, Soroptimist International, To Love Children Educational Foundation International, World Federation for Mental Health, World ORT Union and World Young Women’s Christian Association - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/270
United Nations Foundation - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/271
Association of War-Affected Women, Guild of Service, Mama Zimbi Foundation, Widows for Peace through Democracy and Women for Human Rights, Single Women Group - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/272
World Lebanese Cultural Union - E/CN.6/2015/NGO/273
Perfect Union
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