Informal briefing on UN-Women's global response to COVID-19
Monday, 20 April 2020; 10:00a.m. -11:30a.m.; Zoom virtual room
- Provisional agenda
- Joint PowerPoint presentation by Ms. Anita Bhatia, Assistant Secretary-General/Deputy Executive Director for Resource Management, UN System Coordination, Sustainability and Partnerships, and Ms. Åsa Regnér, Assistant Secretary-General/Deputy Executive Director for Normative Support and Programme Results
- PowerPoint presentation by Mohammad Naciri, Regional Director for Asia and Pacific
- Video clip
- Background materials:
- The SG brief on the Impact of COVID-19 on Women
- The COVID-19 data page on the Women Count Data Hub
- The newsletter from East and Southern African Regional Office on COVID-19 Gender Lens
- Policy Brief on the Impact of COVID-19 on gender relations in the Arab Region (led by ESCWA and UN-Women and with contributions from WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, and WFP) in English and Arabic
- Country-specific documents in the Arab Region
- Violence against women and COVID-19: a snapshot of UN-Women’s response in the Arab States
- Women’s economic empowerment and COVID-19: a snapshot of UN-Women's response in the Arab States
- The first 100 days of the COVID-19 outbreak in Asia and the Pacific: a gender lens
- Update on UN-Women’s response to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
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