CSW69 official documentation
The following are official documents for the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (2025).
- Provisional agenda and annotations (E/CN.6/2025/1)
- Proposed organization of work (E/CN.6/2025/1/Add.1)
- Normative aspects of the work of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women: Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women (E/CN.6/2025/2)
- Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly: Report of the Secretary-General (E/CN.6/2025/3 – advance unedited version)
- Proposals on the priority and review themes for 2026 and beyond: Report of the Secretary-General (E/CN.6/2025/4)
- Discussion guide for the ministerial segment: Note by the Secretariat (E/CN.6/2025/5)
- Report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women on the activities of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women: Note by the Secretary-General (E/CN.6/2025/6)
- Results of the eighty-eighth and eighty-ninth sessions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: Note by the Secretariat (E/CN.6/2025/7)
NGO statements
NGO statements are submitted by organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and are published without formal editing. The views expressed in the below statements are those of the respective non-governmental organizations and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations, UN Women, or the Commission.
- E/CN.6/2025/NGO/1
Africa Child Foundation Mission of Tanzania - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/2
Baha'i International Community - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/3
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/4
Canadian Federation of University Women - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/5
Catholics for Choice - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/6
Centa for Organisational Development Ltd/Gte, and Society for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/7
Center for Innovative and Pragmatic Development Initiative (CIPDI) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/8
CLAN (Caring & Living as Neighbours) Incorporated - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/9
Education Prénatale – Information - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/10
Egyptian Center for Women's Rights - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/11
Eloise Hylton Inc - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/12
Global Organization for Sustainable Development Goals Inc - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/13
Institute for International Women's Rights – Manitoba Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/14
Institute of Sustainable Development - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/15
International Council of Women - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/16
International Federation of Consular Corps and Associations - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/17
International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/18
International Longevity Center Global Alliance, Ltd., and International Longevity Centre Canada - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/19
International Women's Year Liaison Group - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/20
Iranian Elite Research Center - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/21
Iranian Thalassemia Society - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/22
Association of Women Professional Financial Managers, Chibuzor Human Resource Development Organization, Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre, Heal the Land Initiative in Nigeria, i-Smile International, Irene Menakaya School Onitsha, Law Explorer Development & Assistance Initiative, Leah Charity Foundation, Tabernacle Worship and Prayer Ministry Inc, and Women and Child Watch Initiatives - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/23
Lutheran World Federation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/24
Maori Women's Welfare League Incorporated - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/25
Native American Fatherhood & Families Association - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/26
payamavaran hamyari (chatra) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/27
Platform for Youth and Women Development - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/28
Priests for Life - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/30
Slum Child Foundation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/31
Technology for Inspiration Initiative - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/32
The Fred Hollows Foundation Limited - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/33
The Institute for Protection of Women's Rights (IPWR) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/34
TOBE Foundation for Rights & Freedoms - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/35
Trinity Girls Network Corporation and Trinity International Univer of Ambassadors Corporation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/36
Tsao Foundation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/37
United Children of Nigeria - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/38
Canadian Federation of University Women, Graduate Women International (GWI), and Women Graduates – USA, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/39
Women for Water Partnership - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/40
Human Rights Consortium and Women's Platform Limited - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/41
Women's Board Educational Cooperation Society - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/42
Women's Health and Education Center - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/43
Women's Spirit (Ruach Nashit) – Financial Independence for Women Survivors of Violence - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/44
World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/45
"Women and Modern World" Social Charitable Centre - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/46
ACT Alliance – Action by Churches Together, Anglican Consultative Council, Christian Aid, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches, Islamic Relief, Kirkon Ulkomaanavun Säätiö, Mother's Union, Muslims for Progressive Values, Soka Gakkai International, and World Young Women's Christian Association - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/47
American Association of University Women - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/48
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/49
Association for Social Development and Aid Mobilization - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/50
Beyond Beijing Committee - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/51
Canadian Labour Congress and Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/52
Centre for Newcomers Society of Calgary - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/53
C-Fam, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/54
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/55
Criminologists Without Borders Inc and World Society of Victimology - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/56
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/57
Equality Now - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/58
Federation for Women and Family Planning - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/59
FEMM Foundation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/60
Fraternite Notre Dame, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/61
Geledés – Instituto da Mulher Negra - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/62
Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/63
Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/64
Green and Better World - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/65
Helpline Foundation for the Needy, Abuja - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/66
Institute of Social Studies Trust - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/67
Geledés – Instituto da Mulher Negra, and Instituto Campanha Nacional pelo Direito à Educação - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/68
International Alliance of Women - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/69
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics and International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/70
International Federation of Business and Professional Women - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/71
Israel Women's Network - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/72
Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, International Council of Jewish Women, and Israel Women's Network - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/73
Jubilee Campaign - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/74
Make Mothers Matter - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/75
Medical Women's Association of Nigeria - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/76
Miss Caricom Int'l. Foundation CIP, INC - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/77
Nazra for Feminist Studies - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/78
New Japan Women's Association - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/79
Peace Track Initiative - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/80
Population Connection, Population Matters, and Population Media Center - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/81
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/82
Servas International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/83
Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba Memorial Foundation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/84
Sindhi Adhikar Manch (Association) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/85
Soroptimist International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/86
Sveriges Kvinnolobby - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/87
The National YWCA of Korea - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/88
United Cities and Local Governments - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/89
Utah China Friendship Improvement Sharing Hands Development and Commerce - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/90
VAAGDHARA - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/91
WOMENVAI – Women and Men in Environment and Artificial Intelligence - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/92
World Youth Alliance - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/93
Afrikanische Frauenorganisation, Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas (FAWCO), Graduate Women International (GWI), International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), and Soroptimist International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/94
American Bar Association - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/95
Anglican Consultative Council and Mother's Union - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/96
Association of Iranian Jurists Defending Human Rights - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/97
Athletes United for Peace - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/98
Campaign Life Coalition - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/99
Centre for Public Health - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/100
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/101
Endeavour Forum Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/102
Fondazione Proclade Internazionale – Onlus - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/103
Forum Azzahrae pour la Femme Marocaine - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/104
Franciscans International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/105
Global Alliance for Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma, and Anaesthesia Care and International Council of Nurses - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/106
Grace Leadership Foundation Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/107
Graduate Women International (GWI) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/108
Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/109
Casa Generalizia della Societa' del Sacro Cuore, Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Congregation of the Mission, Congregations of St. Joseph, Dominican Leadership Conference, Edmund Rice International Limited, Fondazione Proclade Internazionale - Onlus, Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Loreto Generalate, International Presentation Association, Loretto Community (Sisters of Loretto), Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc., Passionists International, Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Salesian Missions, Inc., School Sisters of Notre Dame, Sisters of Charity Federation, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, UNANIMA International, and VIVAT International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/110
International Network of Liberal Women - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/111
International Planned Parenthood Federation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/112
International Relations Students' Association of McGill University - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/113
Legion of Good Will - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/114
Maalkop Trading and Projects - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/115
Mediators Beyond Borders - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/116
Medical Women's International Association - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/117
ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality, Let's Breakthrough, Inc., MenEngage Global Alliance, Promundo-US, and Sonke Gender Justice Network - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/118
National Council of Women of Canada - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/119
Pacific Women's Watch (New Zealand) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/120
Pallium India - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/121
Passionists International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/122
Plan International, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/123
Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/124
Criminologists Without Borders Inc, Red Dot Foundation, Soka Gakkai International, and Unchained At Last Inc - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/125
Sikh Human Rights Group - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/126
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/127
Sociedade Filantropica Maria de Nazare - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/128
Sociologists for Women in Society - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/129
Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/130
United Umuada Igbo Club International (UUIC) Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/131
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/132
Zonta International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/133
Equilibres & populations - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/134
Femmes Solidaires - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/135
Juristes pour l'enfance - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/136
Regards de Femmes - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/137
European Centre for Law and Justice / Centre Europeen pour le droit, les Justice et les droits de l'homme - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/138
CHIRAPAQ – Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/139
Fundación Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/140
National Women's Council of Catalonia – Consell Nacional de Dones de Catalunya - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/141
Beijing Guangming Charity Foundation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/142
Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/143
Humanitarian Care Malaysia Berhad - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/144
International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CLAN) - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/145
YWCA of Japan - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/146
Asociación Nacional Cívica Femenina - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/147
Cashew Gardens Community Council and CEDAW Committee of Trinidad and Tobago - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/148
Centre Zagros pour les Droits de l'Homme - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/149
La Manif Pour Tous - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/150
Mouvement alternatives citoyennes - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/151
Kirkon Ulkomaanavun Säätiö and Muslims for Progressive Values - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/152
Conectas Direitos Humanos - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/153
Asia Pacific Transgender Network, Best Practices Policy Project, Inc., Federatie van Nederlandse Verenigingen tot Integratie Van Homoseksualiteit – COC Nederland, GIN SSOGIE NPC, ILGA World, International Service for Human Rights, OutRight Action International, Southeast Asia Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Caucus (ASC), Inc., Stichting CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, Swedish Federation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights – RFSL, and Rainbow Railroad - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/154
Aham Education Inc, American Association of University Women, Casa Generalizia della Societa' del Sacro Cuore, ChildFund International, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Dominican Leadership Conference, Girls Learn International, Inc (GLI), Global G.L.O.W., The Grail, Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America, Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Loreto Generalate, International Council of Jewish Women, International Presentation Association, Loretto Community (Sisters of Loretto), Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association, Passionists International, Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Salvation Army, UNANIMA International, VIVAT International, and Zonta International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/155
Frontline AIDS Ltd., and ICW Global Comunidad Internacional de Mujeres viviendo con VIH – SIDA, Asociación Civil - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/156
Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Education - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/157
Oxfam International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/158
Anglican Consultative Council, Church Women United, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, Lutheran World Federation, Presbyterian Church (USA), Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Inc., Salvation Army, United Church of Christ – Board for World Ministries, United Methodist Women, Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, and World Young Women's Christian Association - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/159
WO=MEN, Dutch Gender Platform - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/160
Association de la jeunesse Congolaise pour le developpement - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/161
Association Nationale Al Hidn - A.N.H. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/162
Fundacion para Estudio Investigacion de la Mujer - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/163
CEDAW Committee of Trinidad and Tobago, CHIRAPAQ – Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú, Fundacion para Estudio Investigacion de la Mujer, Grassroots Organisations Operating Together in Sisterhood, Huairou Commission: Women, Homes and Community, and The Network of Rural Women Producers - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/164
Fundacion Pro Humanae Vitae - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/165
Action Lab For Development - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/166
Advocates for Human Rights - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/167
Baha'i International Community - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/168
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/169
Central Integrada de Apoio Familiar Pastor Rubens de Castro - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/170
Concepts of Truth, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/171
Eloise Hylton Inc - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/172
Fòs Feminista - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/173
Institute for International Women's Rights – Manitoba, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/174
International Federation of Social Workers - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/175
International Women's Writing Guild - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/176
Nadam Foundation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/177
Primelocation care givers foundation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/178
ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality, Promundo-US, Rutgers, and Sonke Gender Justice Network - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/179
Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/180
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/181
Society for the Tearfund - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/182
Union de l'action féminine - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/183
United Children of Nigeria - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/184
Voluntary Service Overseas - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/185
Days for Girls International, International Planned Parenthood Federation, East and Southeast Asia and Oceania Region (IPPF ESEAOR), Plan International, Inc., Save the Children International, Stichting Simavi, Wash United gGmbh, WaterAid, and Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/186
Women Deliver, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/187
Women in Distress Organisation - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/188
Human Rights Consortium and Women's Platform Limited - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/189
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/190
Women's Spirit (Ruach Nashit) – Financial Independence for Women Survivors of Violence - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/191
Association Democratique des Femmes du Maroc - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/192
Association of United Families International and Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/193
Best Practices Policy Project, Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/194
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/195
Center for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/196
Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas, and Inuit Circumpolar Council - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/197
Asabe Shehu Yar Adua Foundation, Associated Country Women of the World, Institute of Cultural Affairs International, International Association of Women in Radio and Television, Soroptimist International, and US Women Connect - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/198
Education International, International Federation of Building and Wood Workers, International Federation of Journalists, International Trade Union Confederation, International Transport Workers' Federation, International Union of Food Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations, and Public Services International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/199
Network of Women's Non-governmental Organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/200
New York University - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/201
Nor Luyce Mentoring Center for Youth - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/202
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/203
Associated Country Women of the World, Graduate Women International (GWI), National Alliance of Women's Organizations, National Council of Women of Canada, National Council of Women in Great Britain, Northern Ireland Women's European Platform, Soroptimist International, Wales Assembly of Women, and Widows Rights International - E/CN.6/2025/NGO/204
Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (YCSRR)