Join the latest e-discussion on young people and inequalities

The e-discussion on young people and inequalities begins on 17 December and will continue for three weeks. To be co-moderated by by the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, this discussion will look at the causes and trends in inequality affecting indigenous peoples and how they are addressed in the post-2015 development agenda.
This is the seventh of the UN Development Group Global Thematic Consultations on Inequalities, jointly convened by UN Women and UNICEF. The online platform for the e-discussion on addressing inequalities was launched at the beginning of October with the first discussion focusing on gender inequality, followed by a discussion on gender-based violence on 17 October. The website is open to the public, following a simple registration process.
The e-discussions are a series of time-bound, co-moderated dialogues designed to seek the views of a broad range of stakeholders including governments, UN and other development agencies, civil society, philanthropic organizations, the private sector, and most importantly, the general public.
UN Women aims to bring together a wide range of views and voices on a variety of topics related to inequalities to review progress on the Millennium Development Goals and discuss the options for reflecting and addressing inequalities in the post-2015 development framework.
These e-discussions are meant to stimulate a “global conversation on the various forms of inequalities, identify policy options and responses and look at how these might be deployed in the context of the post-2015 development agenda and look in-depth at the structure, content and implications of major forms of inequalities, as barriers to development and social justice.
The recommendations emerging from the e-discussions, and other discussions on gender within and outside the inequalities track, will be part of a synthesis report that will be presented to a high-level meeting in Denmark in February 2013 on Inequalities. The report will also be provided to the High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda appointed by the UN Secretary-General.