Girl Guide takes over UN Women’s Twitter accounts on 11 October
Twitter take-over
For International Day of the Girl Child, #dayofthegirl, and on the occasion of the joint launch of “Voices against Violence”, a non-formal curriculum on ending violence against girls, UN Women joined the putting “Girls in the Lead”! campaign of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
UN Women put Girl Guide María Agustina Morando from Argentina (@parakauu of @wagggs_world) in the lead by letting her take over the organization’s Twitter accounts. All tweets by @parakauu were retweeted by @un_women, @onumujeres and @onufemmes on 11 October between 10 and 11am ET. Read the Storify (bottom of this page) of her Twitter take-over!
Events at UN Headquarters
UN Women will also be live tweeting from various events at UN Headquarters on 11 October. Follow the hashtag #dayofthegirl and @un_women!
Launch of non-formal curriculum Voices against Violence
Spread the word about the new non-formal curriculum that UN Women is launching together with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)! Sample tweets are below.
Call for action – show your innovation for girls’ education
Show your innovation for girls’ education through a Vine clip, an Instagram image or video, tweets or Facebook posts! Share innovative initiatives that improve or strengthen girls’ education, and you might be retweeted by @un_women and included in a storify summary.
Promotional material for downloading
Sample social media messages
#Voicesagainstviolence:non-formal curriculum by @un_women & @wagggs_world 2end violence agnst girls #dayofthegirl
Non-formal curriculum #voicesagainstviolence by @un_women & @wagggs_world 2reach 5mlln young ppl by2020 #dayofthegirl
1 in 3 women & girls experience abuse in their lifetime. Stand up on the #dayofthegirl!
More than 1 in 3 young women aged 20-24 years are married before age of 18. Let’s stand up for girls. #dayofthegirl
On #dayofthegirl @phumzileunwomen calls for world where every girl&boy can grow up w/mutual respect,dignity&equality
Join live webcast of #dayofthegirl event by @UNICEF @UN_Women @UNGEI & @PlanGlobal, 11Oct,1:15pmET
Follow us
@un_women, @onumujeres, @onufemmes, @sayno_unite, @phumzileunwomen on Twitter
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Storify of Maria's Twitter takeover