The Asia-Pacific Beijing+20 Ministerial review takes place in Bangkok


Asia review people chatting
The Asian and Pacific Conference on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment finds participants discussing the achievements made in the last 20 years Photo: UN Women/Pornvit Visitoran

Bangkok, 19 November – The first day of the Asian and Pacific Conference on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+20 Review in Bangkok began with stocktaking  on achievements made towards gender equality thus far, as well as emphasizing challenges that the region still faces in light of the 20-year anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, known as the blueprint for women’s rights and signed by 189 governmental representatives in 1995 as a commitment to the women’s agenda. With opening remarks from UN Women Regional Director, Roberta Clarke, the conference set the stage for lively discussions an analysis about rights and recognition for migrant women and workers, and other topics such as strengthening institutions, increasing funding, building stronger partnerships and enhancing accountability from Member States on delivering on gender equality commitments. The two-day Conference brings together Member States from throughout the region, including participants from civil society to provide a detailed assessment of the road travelled since the Beijing Conference. The meeting will conclude tomorrow with recommendations for both governments and civil society on the road ahead towards women’s rights, in terms of policies and programmes, and long-term strategic interventions. In depth coverage from the Review at

Stay tuned for the outcome statement from this review, here.