Call for nominations for the Regional Civil Society Advisory Group for Europe and Central Asia
In line with its global directive and following the establishment of UN Women’s Europe and Central Asia Regional Office in Istanbul in 2014, UN Women will be establishing a new regional Europe and Central Asia Civil Society Advisory Group [ECA CSAG] and currently seeking nominations. Applications are sought from an individual nominating his/her candidature or from a network/coalition of NGOs nominating a CSAG member.
The UN Women ECA CSAG is being established to facilitate effective, on-going and structured consultations between civil society and UN Women at a regional level and will be managed by UN Women’s ECA Regional Office in Istanbul, Turkey. The ECA CSAG will be composed of a maximum of 20 individuals with proven and distinguished track records in the areas of gender equality, women’s empowerment and sustainable development. Members will be drawn from gender equality networks, women’s organizations, academia, as well as other non-governmental and grassroots organizations which are committed to the core values of the United Nations.
Please click here to read more about the call for nominations and terms of reference. Applications and CVs should be sent to [ Click to reveal ] NO later than 18 September 2014. Please indicate “ECA CSAG” in the email subject line.