UN Women Deputy Executive Director Yannick Glemarec visits Nairobi
UN Assistant Secretary-General and UN Women’s Deputy Executive Director, Yannick Glemarec was in Nairobi for the Regional Peer Review Meeting for 2016 Annual Work Plans. The first-ever joint Regional Peer Review Group for both the Eastern and Southern Africa and the Western and Central Africa regional offices took place at Windsor Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya from 10-14 November, 2015.
The Regional Peer Review Group meeting was held against the backdrop of a corporate decision that as part of the decentralized agenda, all Annual Work Plans will be appraised at regional levels and not at headquarters as has been previously the case.
The review process, which was chaired by Mr. Glemarec, also included trainings on: ATLAS, Results Management System and Resource Mobilization.
Read the full story on UN Women’s Regional Africa website.