Supporting local women-run businesses in COVID-19 response
The Government of Sweden and UN Women Moldova provided 28,000 units of protective equipment to social assistance staff from 36 territorial departments throughout the country. The coveralls and masks were purchased from three local companies run by women. Thus, the procurements provided financial support both to factories and to employees who kept their jobs and salaries during this time of crisis provoked by COVID-19. At the same time, textile enterprises took steps to help front-line workers.Date:
As the need for protective suits and masks grew, businesses in Moldova have pivoted to providing needed protective gear.
"We haven’t planned for it and I think nobody has planned for such pandemic worldwide. We organized a meeting and agreed to start working. We made 100,000 units of protective coveralls," said Lilia Ranogaet, the director of a local company.
UN Women with the financial support of Sweden set the aim not only to donate protective equipment to social workers from various regions in the country but also to support businesses run by women and develop the national economy.
UN Women also ensured the transportation of the equipment to every district of the country through local companies in order to reach the final beneficiaries.
Read the full story on UN Women's country office website for Moldova