Call for proposals: Roll-out classroom and extra-curricular with pre-secondary schools and parents to change harmful attitudes and social norms and prevent sexual harassment and school-related GBV in four municipalities

Submission deadline: 29 March 2022

UN Women is seeking a non-governmental organization to support the roll-out of the Connect with Respect (CWR) approach in 30 pre-secondary schools in 4 municipalities in 2 years. This will include an adaptation of the CWR curriculum, parenting sessions, developing cyberbullying curriculum, establishing the CWR Technical Working Group, Training of Trainers, roll-out training sessions, monitoring the knowledge and understanding of participants before and after the interventions, and facilitating exchange and learning across key education stakeholders thought an annual CWR forum.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Nuntana Tangwinit
  • Email: nuntana.tangwinit[at]
  • Telephone: +670 77380959