Second Regular Session 2021
14-15 September 2021; Hybrid format (Zoom virtual room & Trusteeship Council Chamber, United Nations Headquarters on afternoon of 15 September)
Information notes
- Information Note from the UN-Women Executive Board Secretariat
- Modalities for In-Person Closing Sessions of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, & UN-Women
- Listening to Language Interpretation in Zoom: this document shows you how to access the interpretation options in Zoom, both on your desktop and your mobiles
- UNHQ Recommended Requirements for Listening to Remote Interpretation: this document was produced by the UNHQ Interpretation Service and outlines some key recommended technical requirements for listening to remote interpretation in virtual platforms
- UNHQ Recommended Practices for participants in meetings with remote interpretation
Organizational matters
- Annotated provisional agenda and workplan of the second regular session of 2021 (UNW/2021/L.4) | PowerPoint presentation
- Report on the annual session of 2021 (UNW/2021/5)
- Draft annual workplan for 2022 (UNW/2021/CRP.6)
- Provisional agenda and workplan for the first regular session of 2022 (UNW/2021/CRP.7)
Opening of the session
- Statement by the President of the Executive Board
- Statement by the acting Executive Director of UN-Women
Strategic Plan
- Introductory remarks by Assistant Secretary-General, Ms. Anita Bhatia
- United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Strategic Plan 2022-2025 (UNW/2021/6)
Financial, budgetary and administrative matters
- Integrated Budget of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women 2022–2023 (UNW/2021/7) | PowerPoint presentation
- Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (UNW/2021/CRP.8) | [FR] | [ES]
Structured dialogue on financing
- Structured Dialogue on Financing the Results of the UN-Women Strategic Plan, 2018–2021 (UNW/2021/8) | PowerPoint presentation
Closing of the session
- Statement by the acting Executive Director of UN-Women
- Statement by President of the Executive Board